A fun day at the park

20 November – Daily Journal

??????????We continued to make the brown page for our color books by using yellow, red and black clay (yesterday we used blue clay). Sayaka ??????????showed the brown clay and asked what the color it was. Some buds had to think…think…and think…. When Sayaka asked “Do you think it looks like chocolate?” they smiled and shouted, “Chocolate!!” and then Sayaka told them, “It’s brown.” They repeated, “Brown.” We mixed it together using our finger strength to squash, squeeze and blend the colors until it became brown. It took some time so the teachers helped too. ??????????Once we had made a lovely brown we pulled off little pieces, dipped it ??????????into the water and pressed it onto the paper. The more water we use to blend, the more it became like paint.

We stuck the wheels on the train carriages that we painted previously. Chica chica choo choo. Our fingers have ??????????been very busy! We used our fingers to stick the wheels. We can’t wait to play with our colorful train.??????????

In circle time we put our names in the rectangle. We had our names on the carpet. They don’t recognize it (which is common for most of the Buds at this stage) but once we say the first sound of their names some Buds can guess which Buds’ name it is. We also tried to make a car, train or bus with the magnet shapes. The first ??????????round, Buds took turns to put on circle, rectangle or square onto the board with no teacher guidance. The second time the teachers helped a little and we ended up making a police car! Jonah found the blue magnet which looked like a police officer. So he put it by?????????? the police car. We also sang autumn song ‘Autumn leaves are falling down’ in both English and in Japanese.

Maki read the book, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Micael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury before going to ??????????the park. We loved it. Some buds are wondering if we could go to a bear hunt someday…On the way to the park we looked for brown items. Hana pointed at the pot and said, “Look brown”. Also, we saw some brown branches and brown apartment. Yes it seems Buds are getting to know the color brown!??????????

At the park we enjoyed playing with petals class. We played tag! So, we had to run, run and run!! Some buds had to find a space to hide from Hisami because Hisami was catching us. We had so much fun at the park.

Thanks for a great day

Sayaka, Maki and Goh
