A fun bus ride in circle time today

19 November – Daily Journal

??????????First thing this morning Yurika got the necklaces out and was happy trying on different ones. The big boat, Noah’s ark, was busy getting filled with animals by Jonah, Hana and Karl. Buds also had fun telling us which vehicles were trucks, which were cars or taxi’s?????????? etc. Kaia and Lanah were telling us the colors too. We had the Blubber out this morning and Karl started cutting pumpkins so Faith decided to join him. Rei was really interested in books this morning by herself and ??????????reading with a teacher.

On the art table there were yellow, red and blue clay and Buds had to mix and squeeze the clay to make brown. Before we started we asked Buds what color we could make and some Buds said?????????? “Orange”. It took a lot of squeezing so teachers helped a little. It was interesting to see the colors merge together and finally make brown. It was quite amazing, the red, yellow and blue had disappeared and there was only brown clay to be seen. Once we had a good brown color we ??????????dipped the clay into water and started to press and smooth it onto the paper. It was such a great sensory experience and the clay makes lovely paint when mixed with water. Some Buds put lots of water and spread the clay all over the paper. Other Buds?????????? used just a little water and molded the clay onto the paper. We have great brown artwork for our color books.

In circle time today the children had to take a ticket after their ??????????name was held up. We asked what color the ticket was and a few Buds said “Brown”. We asked what shape it is and Karl said “rectangle”.

Then we all got on the bus. Where should we go we wondered… “Disneyland” said Hana so off we went to Disneyland. We sang?????????? ‘Wheels on the bus’ on the way to Disneyland. Once we arrived we were happy to see Mickey and Minnie mouse waiting for us. We sang a Mickey Mouse chant and then put all the chairs in a circle. We took ??????????our rectangle tickets and put them on our heads, nose, tummy, knees and more.

We had a fire drill today. We were getting ready for the park when suddenly we heard someone shouting “Fire”. Buds quickly went outside, some without shoes, some without jackets because we want Buds to understand that we have to go quickly if there is a fire. When we came back inside we had some stories while Buds were finishing?????????? getting ready to go to the ??????????park.

It was lovely and sunny at the park with the slides and sitting under the swirly slide being popular today.

Thank you

Sharee, Sayaka and Maki
