Our Giant Road Making and Fire Drill

DSCF1261This morning many of us completed our hot air balloons at the table by putting a sparkly tape line around them and joining the baskets to the balloons. We then put them on the ceiling in the classroom. The final touch will be put pictures of ourselves the ‘pilots’ into the baskets later this week. In the area where the carpet usually is we saw that our large road-scape work we started last week was uncovered and needed some roads painted on it. Next to the paper we saw some larger trays with gray paint in them and some sponge rollers. Together with our friends we put on art smocks and using the rollers painted in the roads. We needed to go over the lines several times to make them look solid as well as DSCF1262paint in several car parks we drew before. It took quite a long time to get the DSCF1268paint to stay on the paper but it looks great. We also put on some blue paper to show the ocean area. After packing away and having snack we read the book ‘If I could drive a fire truck’ because we visited the fire station yesterday and today we had our monthly earthquake and fire drill. Using questions and answers we told the teachers how we should get under a table, chair or even a doorframe if there was an earthquake. We should also make sure that our heads, which are the most important parts of our bodies are covered too. All the doors and windows should be opened if possible so that we can get out if we need to. For the fire drill we went DSCF1291DSCF1292through the steps of shouting “Fire” as loud as we could, covering our mouths, and using the stairs and not the elevator. When we got to the bottom of the stairs we all lined up so that we could check that everyone was here. The park was really warm and Ava, Olivia, Marc and Noa all helped tend to our flower garden. Ayaka played a few rounds of Sumo with us too which was really fun. When we got back to the classroom we talked a little about using nice words with our friends such as “Excuse me” when moving past people, as well as also responding to “I’m sorry” with “That’s okay” or “Thank you”. We then needed to add some DSCF1309details to our road-scape as the paint had now dried. We needed lines on the roads. Luckily Ryan and Olivia had helped cut DSCF1294some paper in the morning into small strip pieces to mark the center line on the painted roads. Using this paper and some glue we worked together to glue the lines onto the paper. It looks really good. On the table Ayaka showed us how to make an origami boat to go in the harbor ocean area. We all did a great job and will add more details tomorrow. Have a great afternoon. All our love, Darren, Ayaka and NanakoDSCF1326
