Popcorn ghosts and pinatas

30 October – Daily Journal

??????????We had a new toy on the carpet this morning which Buds gravitated to a lot in the morning. It’s a large wooden boat and has lots of animals in it. Buds had fun pulling out all the ??????????different animals and putting them on and around the boat. Some Buds wanted to match the animals and make pairs which were easy to do as it is Noah’s Ark.

Dominik, Hana and Haruto did some beautiful water color paintings today while Jonah, Sofie and Karl preferred to spend more time at the play dough table.

??????????This morning we made popcorn ghosts to give to Flower Class for Halloween. First we watched and listened to the popcorn popping and around in the popcorn machine and jumping into?????????? the bowl. Then Buds took turns scooping some popcorn into a tissue and putting a rubber band around it with the teachers help. It was quite hard for some Buds not to eat the popcorn. We might ??????????make some more tomorrow for ourselves. Finally Buds stuck eyes on the ghosts and they were finished.

Flowers came down to see us and gave us a fantastic Halloween piñata which they made with the help of Eito’s Mum, Chiharu. Buds were very excited to see the piñata and wanted to touch it?????????? a lot. We’re sure Buds will have fun with it tomorrow and find something special inside. As a thank you for the piñata Buds gave Flowers the popcorn ghosts we had made this morning. Flowers came over two at a time and said “Trick or Treat” and Buds gave them the popcorn ghosts.

In circle time we practiced our Halloween song, ‘I’m a Little ??????????Pumpkin’ and Hana and Sofie took turns to do a solo. We are so happy they know all the words! After dancing to ‘Alphabet Boogie’ which has a fast beat, we made our ghost for the party tomorrow. We took turns to stick on the paper we ripped up earlier in the?????????? week. We stuck the eyes on and then Buds had to choose between a ‘Boo’ mouth and a smiley mouth. Buds chose the ‘boo’ mouth so Sofie stuck it on.

??????????Before lunch Buds read some books by themselves and are good at choosing which books they want to look at. Now we just need them to put them back too! We are encouraging Buds to have one book and put it back before they take another one. Altogether, we read a Halloween book about a little witch who wants to fly but can’t yet. Buds enjoyed seeing the Jack-o-lanterns on each page too.

It was beautiful and sunny at the park today. We are just in that season of wondering whether?????????? Buds need their sweaters or jackets because on the way to the park we walk in the shade but at the park it is warm and sunny.

Thank you

Sharee, Sayaka and Goh
