Trick or Treat Gifts for our Friends
Had lots of orange and black activities lined up today to prepare for our Halloween party tomorrow morning. On the main table were many orange and black beads along with some black string. We used the orange and black beads to make a special secret Halloween present for our mommies or daddies.
We arranged the beads in an alternating black and orange pattern to make the secret gifts. You will all see tomorrow morning when you are presented with the gifts. Nile and Marc saw the wooden track blocks on the small play table and started to build a tower with them. They then tried to see if the marbles would follow the tracks to the bottom and roll across the table. It was great, it worked and bounced down the stepped blocks all the way to the bottom and then rolled. On the second main
table we all did some drawing and writing for a special gift for a secret someone in the school. It is ‘her’ birthday soon and so we each made a beautiful drawing on colored paper as well as did some writing. All will be revealed next week! Just before we cleared away the toys we visited buds class on the ground floor to present them with our class Halloween gift, a
piñata for buds and petals classes which we made with the wonderful help and support of our room moms. Thank you! In buds class we gave them the giant pumpkin piñata and we were so happy as they gave us a wonderful ghost each. Some of us felt what was inside and smelled the outside and said “Popcorn”. We will have to wait until tomorrow to find out if we were right. In petals class we also gave them their
piñata and they in return gave us a wonderful bag each with a pumpkin sticker and a bat necklace each. Oooh, trick or treat!! After snack time we headed for the park where it was again nice and warm and fun to play with all our friends. Jennifer, Ava and Olivia were digging for dinosaur bones while Eito and Kosei made a sand birthday cake with twigs for candles. When we got back to the classroom we took a look at the Jack-O-Lantern
and the decoration in the room including the giant ghost hanging from the ceiling. It was funny because the ghost started saying our names in a spooky voice. We are not sure yet how this works but made us all laugh!! On the carpet
Marc and Nile helped the teachers make a small orange and black chain from origami paper. We found that if we worked on our own it would take a long time to make one chain but if we worked together and joined forces with our friends as a team we could make a huge chain very quickly. Wow, teamwork!!
Have a great afternoon. All our love, Darren, Ayaka and Goh.