Concentrating when we work
24 October – Daily Journal What a great week we’ve had and today ended the week nicely. We are busy little Buds!
Buds have been seeing lots of orange and black in our class recently and today Buds made bracelets using orange and black beads and some laminated ghosts, Jack-o-lanterns and Halloween cats. Most Buds can lace the beads by themselves but of course some small fingers need a little help co-ordinating, holding the pipe cleaner or string steady while slipping the bead on.
When Buds see paint on the table they always want to come straight over and do the activity. Karl and Kaia used brushes to paint a pumpkin paper plate and then chose eyes, a nose and mouth from all kinds of shapes on the table; scary eyes, circle or triangle noses and happy, angry and scary mouths. Yay, our pumpkins turned into Jack-o-lanterns! Sayaka asked Kaia, “Do you want a happy face or a sad face? Kaia said, “Saaaa.” And she turned her mouth down. Iva wanted to paint as soon as she came into the classroom. However, she had to wait for her turn. Iva enjoyed painting the paper and her hands.
In circle time today Buds had to find their name and stick it on the large foam Jack-o-lantern. For most Buds we held up their name and they had to look for the matching name on the floor. Sayaka talked about fire safety. When Sayaka showed a fire truck some buds said, “Fire truck!” Sayaka told Buds if there is a fire, you need to cover your mouth and get out of the house or school with mom, dad, grandparents, or teachers. Buds practiced how to cover their
mouths before our fire drill. Great job Buds! When buds did their fire drill, they covered their mouths and held the teachers hands, and got outside safely.
All three Ohana classes were at the park today so we got to play with lots of children. Some Buds were busy in the sand box, others were climbing up to the slide many times. When it was time to go back to our school, we felt like there was nothing in our tummy. Karl shouted, “Its lunch time!” instead of saying clean up time. Buds were wondering if we still could see butterflies…we haven’t seen them these days. Hopefully, we could see them next week!
Have a great weekend.
Thank you
Sayaka, Goh and Liezel