The sun shone today
Can you believe how gorgeous today was, with the beautiful sunshine? It was almost the same as the day after the typhoon. We were so happy to be able to go outside and play in the park; we loved feeling the warm sunshine on our backs and running around, climbing, sliding and digging in the sandbox.
When we were in our classroom, we played a wonderful game using a big, empty, plastic water bottle and toilet rolls. We used a ball and all had turns to knock the “pins” down. Vincent set them up each time, we knocked them down. He did a great job placing them on the carpet. The final result after a long ten pin bowling game was as per the board here:
We spent a large part of the morning playing this game and then we all went to one of our activity tables so that we could all complete our Autumn/Fall mobiles.
We continued cutting out leaves, drawing in their veins and then pasted them onto a piece of paper. We also used foam leaves and real leaves and added them to our pictures. We are able to work independently especially when we know what to do, and have done it before. We are looking forward to welcoming back some of our friends who were away on holiday this week as well as those that were not well. They will be able to make their art works when they come back to school next week. When we completed our work at the table, our teachers asked us to take it and put it on the other table so that it can get dry. We were able to do this without any guidance. Well done Petals! You have learnt how to take care of yourself really well.
We changed our calendar so that it read “Today is Friday”. We also changed the date and the weather. When Shelley asked us: “Why does it say rainy on our weather chart?” Lilian explained (using her hands): Because ………yesterday was rainy. That’s why.” We always like to listen to our friends sharing their thoughts. In fact, when we walked back from the park, we sang silly rhyming songs like “We’re going to eat our feet” and “We’re going to drink the sink”. Our teachers were using words that rhymed even though they didn’t make any sense.
Lilian kept on saying: “No, that is not good manners. You cannot eat your feet.” She said this each time our teachers sang a silly rhyme. Mika was holding the rope with her so she started to copy her. Talking about Mika, today was her last day at Ohana for two weeks. She leaves tomorrow for Brooklyn to see her grandparents who live there; and her dad’s family. We will miss her! Mika, have a great time in New York and Brooklyn. Enjoy the special pasta that your grandma is going to make for you! Some of us no longer need to sleep after lunch, so our teachers let us rest and then we get up and do something. Today we chose to do a puzzle which was a little bit difficult. It had 75 pieces which
is quite a lot and it was a scene of a school play. They reminded us to look for colours that matched as this is one of the most important criteria when doing puzzles. Shelley knows a lot about puzzle because she loves doing them…..she does 1,000 piece ones.
We sang “What day is today, what day is today, tell me everyone, what day is today?” We also sang, “Dem dancing bones” and “Five little leaves”. We played a game with the “Five little leaves” song. We went close to our Autumn/Fall mobiles and blew them so that they would rotate. Then Shelley said, when she blows we need to run away as if she is blowing us away and so we got off our cushions and ran to the carpet; then she said that she will inhale deeply and we need to come back as she is sucking us in…….so we came running back and did this twice, laughing with joy and happiness. Hisami showed us our names and when we
saw our name, we put it on the white board, took our shoes off and went to put our outdoor shoes on.
Thanks for a great week and have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday for the last week of October.
Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel.