Parachute play and Jack-o-lanterns

21 October – Daily Journal

??????????Buds loved making their Jack-o-lanterns this morning. Some Buds were so careful to paint the entire paper plate and others painted nice patterns on the plate and then stuck the eyes, nose and mouth on. Buds could choose various types of mouth and the traditional pumpkin?????????? mouth was the most popular.

In circle time today we stuck some leaves on a vine and practiced pulling it from the ground and out popped a potato. We hope we can go potato digging tomorrow. Some Buds were forgetting to be gentle towards their friends today so Sharee got out some dolls to ??????????do some role plays and model some ways in which we can be gentle. If our friend is in the way, we say “Excuse me” and wait for them to move. Can we take a toy without asking wondered the teachers? “No” said Buds. The dolls were good at saying “My turn please” or “Can I use it”. Sometimes?????????? our friend will say yes and sometimes we need to wait. “I’m using it” said the doll. “Soon” (You can have a turn).

In story time today we read a book about a boy and girl smelling a funny smell and going to look for it. Buds thought it was so funny when Sharee asked “Is it you? Is it you?” to all the Buds. They kept finding interesting things ??????????in the cupboards but finally hiding under the table was a baby in a stinky diaper. It wasn’t any of us Buds! We also looked at a book about growing vegetables. We could find the dirt, vines and leaves on the pages. As well as some bugs, flowers and a rabbit. If we get the chance, we wonder what we will see tomorrow.

After snack today we made play dough. Because our color of the month has been orange and ??????????it’s Halloween soon, we decided to make orange play dough. Another activity taking turns! Buds watched their friends pour salt, ??????????flour and water into the bowl until it was their turn. Everyone had a go at mixing the dough. The color turned out a nice apricot orange.

Because of the on/off rain we decided not to go to the park and instead went upstairs to play with the parachute. After we had done lots of shaking we played a running game with the parachute. Sharee and Sayaka demonstrated how we run across the parachute to the empty spot, once we all counted “1,2,3 run!” Buds had a lot of fun and were good at waiting their turn. We also practiced throwing by taking turns to throw small tennis balls onto the Velcro target. The other day we threw underarm into the basket so today we threw ??????????over arm onto the target. Buds could usually get 2 or 3 balls onto the target out of 3 or 4.

When we came back we had a little time before lunch so some Buds did free drawing and some Buds did orange and black Halloween drawing. We’ve noticed that Buds sit and draw for longer compared to at the start of the year.

Thank you

Sharee, Sayaka and Goh
