Leaf Shadows

DSCF0013This morning on the main table we saw all our beautiful pictures we made with rollers and dripped paint yesterday. In the center of the table were 5 containers of colored tissue paper with some glue and brushes. We used the flue to attach the red, yellow, green, orange and brown paper to the paintings with the same partners we had yesterday. It made our pictures look really colorful and bright. On the smaller table we saw some really brightly colored material which looked DSCF0024a bit like playdough but when we touched it we noticed it was quite hard. The teachers told us it was called ‘Plasticine’ and when we worked it in our fingers for a while it became a lot softer and easy to use. We made lots of things with the beautiful colors. Jennifer made a tree and a purple volcano, Ava made a DSCF0028blue snake with yellow spots and Nile made Elsa from the frozen movie. Eito and Kosei worked together to make a big tower using the kapla wooden blocks and looked very proud of their work. Kosei had his show and tell today and did a fabulous job showing us all about his trip to Hokkaido. He had lots of pages which he made and wrote on himself as well as lots of DSCF0026photos showing him in Hokkaido riding horses, canoeing, feeding ostriches and milking cows. He went to Hokkaido in the summer by plane and we had some great questions about his trip today. Well Done Kosei. Great Job!! Before going to the park we all read a book all about Halloween together titled ‘Pumpkin Eye’. This showed us lots of things all about Halloween and we learnt a new word ‘wick’ which is the part of a DSCF0018candle that burns. The weather was great in the park and we had a great time. When we came back to the classroom we noticed that the lights were out at the far end of the room and there was a machine projecting light onto the wall. We had a lot of fun trying to guess what the objects were on the projector as Darren asked us to close our eyes. When we opened them we saw a small piece like a leaf on the ground, then a stalk which made itDSCF0051 look like a flower without the flower head. Next when we opened our eyes there were what looked like branches and then we decided it looked like a tree. Using a marker we drew some leaves on the plastic sheet on the projector but then when Darren added the final pieces we could see that actually it wasn’t a tree at all, it was a giant leaf. The DSCF0059veins of the leaf looked just like a tree and only by adding the ‘blades’ of the leaf could we see it for what it was. Kosei then helped draw around one of the leaf puzzle pieces which we then projected on the wall. There was a piece of paper on the wall and with Nile, ava and Olivia’s help we were able to make a huge leaf picture. It looks great and tomorrow we want to try this again.  
