What fabulous teddy bear art we made today!

07 October – Daily Journal

??????????This week for our picnic theme we are concentrating on a Teddy Bears Picnic and we will have Teddy Bear Picnics at the park (or inside our class if it’s raining) on Thursday and Friday.

Buds really enjoyed making their teddy bears this morning. Last month we learnt about our bodies so it ??????????was good to review lots of different body parts such as legs, arms, head and eyes etc. First Buds had to color the body parts with markers, crayons and pastels. Some Buds chose just one type to color with and others experimented with them all. Once they were colored (a little or a lot) Buds stuck them on the paper. Some teddy bears have their arms in the air like they are dancing, others have one arm up waving to their friends and some have their arms by their sides. Either way, they ??????????all turned out great. Please come into the classroom sometimes to see our art displayed on the walls. Buds love showing off their own art and looking at our group art.

In circle time today Buds took turns to draw circles on the whiteboard. Lanah was first and she started us off drawing a big circle. Karl and Dominiki drew small circles with Riku and Hana drawing medium sized circles. Haruto and Sofie liked the big circles so they drew big ones. Yurika was helped to draw a little?????????? circle and Jonah finished us off with another big circle. We danced to ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ and sang our first Halloween song for the month, ‘If You’re a Witch and You Know it’. We swung our leg over our pretend broomstick and flew and the circle. We were ??????????also monsters swinging our arms, ghost floating around and then lots of animals such as lions, elephants and cats. We wonder if some Buds will dress as animals for Halloween…..

We looked at our weather board and talked about yesterday’s weather. We could use so many of the pictures to describe it; windy, rainy, cloudy and sunny. We decided it’s just sunny today so we were able to go to the park.??????????

Sports day is coming up soon so at the park we practiced running in small groups and then we all ran together without bumping into anyone. Well done Buds! Some Petal children ??????????joined Buds to make some tree art by sticking leaves on the gum that was seeping from the tree. They were fascinated by how the leaves stuck on the tree.

Thank you

Sharee, Sayaka and Goh??????????
