Riko's Show & Tell

DSCF9613Thank you for your understanding regarding yesterday. Obviously with the approaching typhoon and closure of many schools in the area we felt it best to ere on the side of safety. We hope you all had a good weekend and welcomed the children back this morning. On the carpet the wooden train set and trains were very popular alongside the wooden and foam blocks. Many of us wanted to build using the blocks and the trains too. On the main table Jessica, Jennifer and Ryan made their own large leaf artwork. We started by choosing which shape of leaf we wanted to create after looking at some of the DSCF9615leaves that we collected last week. First we chose which color of leaf we would like to make and then folded a piece of that construction paper in half. Using a marker we then drew half of the leaf using as much of the paper as we could so that we didn’t waste too much. We then decided if we wanted to do serrated or straight edges on the leaf. If we wanted serrated edges we could choose for many different ‘wavy’ scissors or use the regular straight edged scissors to DSCF9617cut. We cut around the edge of the leaf carefully and then folded the leaf concertina style to make the leaf veins. When we unfolded it we saw the beautiful patterned leaf. We then used the remaining extra paper to make a second piece of artwork. We chose a different colored piece of construction paper and carefully glued the excess from the leaf activity onto the second colored background. This left a beautiful outline which we could DSCF9620then decorate by putting the veins onto using marker pens. The blue play-dough was also popular this morning and it was great to see Nile making a wonderful cake just like Shelley’s birthday cake. After packing away the toys and having snack we headed for the park as it was nice and warm. We saw the flowers in our garden at ‘Step-Park’ DSCF9629had survived the typhoon weather and looked good luckily. After returning from the park it was time for Riko’s ‘Show and Tell’. She looked really excited and sat on the chair in front of her friends with a big smile on her face. Together we all sang our special show and tell song and Riko showed us her first item. It was a beautiful T-Shirt that she had printed with her hands on the back and lotus root stamps on the front. She then showed us all her beautiful picture again made from vegetable prints which looked like flowers. She stood up and proudly showed all her friends her wonderful artwork. Riko then answered DSCF9639lots of questions such as “Why do you like the picture”? -She liked the flowers, “How did you make the picture”? – She made the picture with her mummy using vegetables, “Where did you make the picture”?- At home. There were quite a few questions and with a little help she was able to answer them all. We thanked Riko for her show and tell and all clapped together. In circle time we looked at a book titled ‘Wonderful Trees’ which told us how trees use their leaves to make food for themselves using the sunshine, air and water. Each leaf was different even those on the same tree. We then had the chance to look at some new leaves we collected in the park and also saw on a Montessori card that the leaf parts have different names; the main part of a leaf is called the ‘Blade’ and the parts in the middle are called ‘Veins’ just like in our bodies where veins carry blood. Have a great afternoon.

All our love, Darren & Ayaka.
