Building A Compliment Web

March 12, 2025

Happy Wednesday! We’re enjoying a quiet day inside today.


We read a book called Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae. The story talks about a giraffe who tries to dance but gets laughed at by his friends because he’s clumsy.

 T: His legs too long!

Eventually the giraffe realized that he just needed the right song to become a good dancer!

M: He’s dancing!

R: Wow, he can dance! It looks fun!

Y: It should be called Giraffes CAN Dance!


We all said the question together as a class, “Are Flowers friends special?”

Most of us said yes! We all have things that make us special that are worth pointing out! So far, we’ve been saying things that we are good at, but what about everyone else? What do we see in our friends that we like?

We tried making a “compliment web” by throwing a ball of yarn to each friend we give a compliment to. Then that friend holds onto the yarn and throws it to another friend after saying something nice about them. How big can our web get?

Y: I think T is cute!

T: S cool!

S: O is funny!

O: R, I like your hair!

R: R is always nice to me!

R: I think Z’s hair is cool!

Z: Y, today I like red (shirt)!

Y: A; he’s cool!

A: M; he’s cool!

M: M, I love you! Black shirt is cool!

M: S, I love your shirt!

S: B, I love your shirt!

B: Z shirt is cool!

Z: S, because he’s cool!

S: R is so good at drawing!

R: Y is so cute!

Y: R is so cute!

R: C’s shoes are so cool!

C: M is so good at puzzles!

M: O is so cute!

O: M is cute!

M: T is so so so cute!

T: Z is so cool!

Z: R is so cute!

R: S is so cute!

We kept giving compliments to each other until we ran out of yarn! By the end, we had a huge web! We all took turns being spiders walking around the web. We had fun hearing nice things about ourselves from our friends! Let’s keep giving compliments and building each other up!

Have a wonderful evening! See you again tomorrow!


Flowers XOXO