What do i like?
Good afternoon buds families! Thank you to our wonderful parents for day four of teacher appreciation week. The teachers were so so happy to see pictures of all our wonderful buds friends for us to remember and cherish.
At the back of the room we had a gross motor skills activity. On the white board there were three circles. We had to throw the balls at the targets. S and L worked hard to throw the balls. R enjoyed holding the balls tight to her chest and squeezing them.
On the sensory table it was pouring and scooping but with a twist. To stimulate imaginative play we included the toy foods. L enjoyed making some ‘fried rice’ and K passed his teachers some potato’s ‘yum yum yum yum’ said Lucy as she ‘ate’ the potato. E had two spoons in her hand and she showed great balancing skills by not spilling any rice at all, wow!
At the play doh table we were making food. We focused on rolling it into sausage shapes and patting it into pancake shapes. L spent almost the entire play time at the Playdoh table, she had so much fun rolling and being creative. N also tried to make some food with the play doh with his friend Tamara teacher. T was so happy to slice the playdoh into little strips.
For craft today we used the paint dot markers to cover some paper for our dads day present (shhh it’s a surprise) H worked so hard to stamp stamp stamp. T enjoyed stamping. S stamped very fast as he grinned and I stamped slowly and purposefully focused on the task at hand.
After we stamped we used colored stickers to cover the paper. K used great hand eye coordination skills to peel and stick lots of stickers, he pointed at his favorite color ‘yellow’ and stuck lots of yellow stickers on the page.
At clean up time our friends were SO helpful by wiping the whiteboard.
For circle time we practiced sitting cross cross Apple sauce. Most of our friends are able to do this, wow! We can practice at home because it’s great to build core strength.
L helped us count how many friends today, we had 12! Then T helped us count our teachers, we had four. That’s sixteen.
Lucy showed us a book.
‘Welcome to my store!’ She said. She showed our friends a book that had lots of fruit and vegetables.
‘Apple!’ Said L.
‘Banana’ said L.
We each chose what food we liked. E was so happy to pick up a carrot she showed her teachers and smiled. N liked the cabbage and grinned
Everyone has different likes and dislikes which is what makes us special and unique!
We then danced to some music about food which you can dance to at home too.
Lucy showed us a thumbs up gesture for ‘yes I do!’ And a X gesture for ‘no I don’t’
‘Do you like broccoli ice cream?’
‘Pizza party’
‘Apples and bananas’
After snack time we had lots of imaginative play. Lucy welcomed us to her shop and we chose some more foods to eat. I chose two fish to eat. S was so proud of himself for using the tweezers to hold a lemon. Great fine motor skills S!
Brandon showed us a ukulele and H and T were laughing at the funny sound the strings made. Then Brandon read us a story about farm animals. Everyone was so invested in the story, L made the animal noises and K sat so nicely!
Today at the park we wanted to use the sand pit and experiment with using the sand tools like the spades and trowel but another school was using it. Although disappointed we learnt that we can use the sand tools on different terrains. We explored driving cars on the grass and some of us enjoyed running super fast.
H and I had some special time with Brandon climbing on the jungle gym to strengthen their core muscles. I beamed as he held on tight to the bars and H loved running around the big area! Good work boys.
We had so much fun today! We are excited to welcome you all tomorrow!
Love, Buds