What do bugs do?

Happy Friday everyone! After we did our usual morning routines we enjoyed playing with the blends puzzle and play dough. We did a fun origami craft with Evita to make more decorations for our party! Once everyone was done, we packed away our toys and had our morning practice. Once again, everyone did a fantastic job singing and dancing!

We gathered in a circle to sing some songs. Our friends all requested the, “How Are You Today?” song.

Nimo: How are you friends?

Ju: Maybe surprised?

Mi: Silly!

To: Happy.

Br: Happy!

Ri: Surprised…

Lo: Surprised

Ha: (Maybe sleepy?)

Ai: I’m tired.

Ra: Sleepy *yawn*

Ko: Happy!

We practiced singing our Party songs one more time and Junya had a great idea.

Ju: I want to watch the video of us singing the song!

Nimo: Do you mean you want to record the song and listen to yourselves sing?

Petals: Yeah!

Nimo: Alright! That is a good idea, this way we can tell if you are singing in a big enough voice to hear you!

We recorded our songs and listened carefully to them. It was a very funny feeling hearing our own voices coming out of a small device, many of us couldn’t stop giggling! After listening to the song we were able to hear some of our friends loudly and some very quietly. Next week we will all need to make sure our families can hear our beautiful voices!

We read a book today called the, “Jazz Fly” by Matthew Gollub and Karen Hanke. It was a fun little book about a fly who plays in a jazz band. In the book we saw many kinds of bugs like worms, beetles, and larvas. Once we finished the book we continued our discussion from yesterday. Some of our friends asked their family about what Spiders, Roly Polys, and Ants do and they were so excited to share it with the class!

Nimo: Who knows what these bugs do?

Ra: I know what they do, all of them!

Ju: Me too!

Mi: I do too!

Nimo: Ok, let’s start with the Spider. What do they do?

Ra: They eat bugs. The big spiders eat birds and frogs.

Ri: And they eat bees.

Ju: And it turns into the earth.

Lo: Bird eat them.

Nimo: Correct! Spiders eat bugs, maybe bees, and some large spiders eat birds and frogs. They are also important food for other animals! They help us by eating mosquitos, cockroaches, and other pesky pests.

Ju: You know what, the mosquitos don’t like the Anpanman sticker (insect repellent stickers).

Nimo: Now the Roly Poly!

Ra: They eat leaves.

Mi: They will get ouchi if you step on them.

Ju: And it’s going to die. You know, beetles make a ball of poo and they take it away and eat it.

To: Beetle no eat poo!

Nimo: Roly Polys are our little cleaners, Roly Polys and Flies are what we call decomposers and the eat the leaves, dead bugs, and poo and makes the soil healthy. Lastly, Ants!

Ra: They eat sugar and other bugs.

Ju: They eat some grass and go into the earth.

Mi: Go into hole!

Nimo: Correct again! Ants love sweet things and they eat bugs! There are some ants that take grass home.

We took a look at a picture of an ant colony that stretches underground! We reviewed one of the books Evita read to us, “Fran’s Flower”. We remembered the three things a plant needs to grow. Water, sun, and air! We learned that the ants make the soil healthy and the holes they dig help air go inside the ground to help flowers grow! It was fascinating to learn the small little critters we have been observing at the park aren’t just wandering around, they have a very important job to do to keep our Earth and flowers happy!

After our circle time, we ate our snacks then had a ton of fun playing at Step Park!

Thank you all for another fabulous week! Next week is the last week of school! Make sure to get lots of rest and eat healthy food so you don’t get sick!

