Making Words with our Names

Happy Monday! It’s the last week of the school year! Tomorrow is graduation! Wow!! It’s hard to believe that it’s that time already.

There seems to be a lot of excitement in the air as we try to finish preparing for our graduation. We spent much of our time today decorating our classroom and practicing for tomorrow. We’re as ready as we can be! We can’t wait!


With so much to do in preparation for tomorrow, we had a short circle time today. We started off with the question of the day.

C: Can you make other words with your name?

We split into 4 groups and chose one group members name to try to make other words with, C, T, M, and V.

Some names were easier than others to find new words within.

V’s team found “van” and “car”, M’s team found *** and ***, while the other two teams struggled to find another word.

We then combined teams (M & C)(T & V).

With our new teams, we created new words like, Iran, rice, and Marc.

It was fun to see which words we could make with the letters we were given, as well as which words we could make if we just had another letter or two!

We’ll keep building upon this on Wednesday!

See you tomorrow for our gradutation!


Flowers XOXO