The Day Before...

Good morning! Today was our last day we could practice so we had a dress rehearsal. Our party starts at 9:30 tomorrow, so we started our practice at 9:30 today. Our rehearsal went very well! We are so ready for the big day! We are so excited because our families are coming to see our special performance tomorrow. Of course we can’t forget about our other party on Friday, the special movie day! After we practiced, we finalized our plans for our Friday party.

Sayaka: Let’s talk about Friday. It’s going to be our very very last day in Petals. Can we decide which movie we will watch?
M: Next day, I’m going grandma and grandpa’s house.
Sayaka: How about the movie, Petals?
M: Dinosaur.
T: Police movie.
A: Apple juice.
Sayaka: Haha! Let’s decide the movie first and we will talk about snacks and juice. Ok, A?
A: Yea!
R: Unicorn movie!
Sayaka: Unicorn movie sounds nice. Do you know the title of the movie?
R: Hm...I don’t know.
Y: Sponge bob!
R: Police.
S: Police.
B: Police office.
S: Princess movie.
Sayaka: Alright. It sounds like…You would like to watch a police officer movie. But, I like the other ideas, too.
E: Maybe we can do a short police movie and we can watch another one.
Sayaka: Does it sound good for you, petals?
Petals: Yeahhhhh!
Sayaka: Then how about snacks?
A: Juice! Apple juice?
Y: Orange juice.
M: How about carrot juice?
Sayaka: Apple juice, orange juice, carrot juice, sounds good! Just make sure you don’t bring soda juice. If it is not soda, it’s ok! Then you can bring snacks like popcorn, cookies, fruits, and rice crackers. We mentioned about a cake last time but this time, let’s save a cake for next time.
T: No candy *Made X with his arms.

We are super excited for our two parties. We were planning to go to Robot Park today, but we changed our minds and we went to Step Park instead.

We felt like it’s already summer today. We had so much fun at the park as always.

Finally, our party is tomorrow! We are so excited!!  Thank you all for today. See you tomorrow at our party.

