Dads' Day in Flowers

Big thanks to all our dads who took time to join us for today’s Dads’ Day! Thank you so much for watching our dance and song presentations, for drawing with us, and for playing games with us. There must be something really special about daddies coming to school😊 They made us feel very happy and excited! To our daddies, you are special to us!!!


We enjoyed dancing and singing a song for our daddies. Our teachers were impressed at how well we performed, and it seemed like we didn’t get nervous at all! For our first game where we drew what our dads favorite color, food, and hobby were, we were excited to hear if our dads’ answer would match our guesses. Daddies had a turn to guess our favorite color, too! It was fun to guess, especially when we guessed it correctly. The next game was another guessing one. The only difference was, we held the hand we thought belonged to our DAD😊 Cameron and Axel held up a white cloth to hide our daddies’ faces, while the daddies covered their legs with another white cloth. You could just imagine how amazing it was for us to guess which hand was our dad’s! After the game, we had lots of hugging time with our daddies. Before they left, we gave them the photo frame we made just for them. Thank you so much again for spending time with us today! You made our day very special!


Our teachers and all Flowers friends felt that we had a superb presentation for dads’ day, so we gave everyone 17 claps. (which represented one clap for each Flowers friend). We had a short circle time where we talked about our question of the day that asked, “Is your daddy special?”.  We all answered YES, of course! Here’s what our friends had to share:

          Ei: Because he’s silly!

          H: I say climb daddy, and he say okay!

          Mi: On weekend and holiday, my dad takes me wherever I want to go.

          K: I say “carry me” and he say okay!
         R: My daddy can play with me and carry me.

          Ty: He can carry me all the time and play with me.

          M: Daddy cannot carry me anymore. I get heavy and heavy. When I get big. I can carry daddy!

          Ta: Daddy can carry me!


          We talked about the things we find that smell good and bad yesterday. Today, we had a short discussion about the times we felt we could not smell the things we used to smell.

          Hi: If you sneeze, you cannot smell, but you can still breathe.

          Th: If you hit your head, you will break your brain.

We had a review about how our nose smells and then something in our nose (which we will dig deeper next week) sends a message to our brain, which then interprets what we smelt. We know that our brain works like a computer and how important it is so our body can function well. Ei said that “skull” is what we call the bone that works like a helmet which protects our brain.


We are wondering why we could not smell like we used to do when our nose is stuffed up. Th replied, “If you got runny nose, you cannot smell what it’s supposed to smell like and taste what it’s supposed to taste like. DNA have a job when you’re born. Your DNA makes the color of your eye what you want.

Perhaps, it would be a good idea to discuss what DNA is and its role in our eye color and our sense of smell. So, as a starter, can you please share what you think about this: Do families smell the same thing?

Stay warm and dry! Have a wonderful weekend!



Flowers XOXO


Ohana International School