The Day Before...

It is the day before our winter party! Today is the last day we can practice with our friends so we spent a lot of time making sure everything worked. We all did a great job singing and dancing! In the morning, we played with the toy cars and finished up our snowflake origami craft. Out in the balcony we used a spray bottle filled with blue paint and silver glitter. We sprayed the snowflakes T’s mom and dad cut out for us!

We spent most of our circle time rehearsing. After we were finished, we sat in a circle and talked a little bit about our winter holidays. Nimo showed us a picture of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus. 

M: Christmas Tree!

R: And Santa Claus!

B: Star! *pointed at the top of the Christmas tree*

E: In my home, I have a big Christmas Tree!

L: Me too!

Today we learned about another special event special event called, Hanukkah.

M: Hanukkah?

Nimo showed us a Dreidel and let us give it spin, it was very hard to get it going! Then he showed us a special candle stand called a Menorah.

P: Menorah?

S: Fire!

D: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8! 8!

J: Candle

There were actually nine candle spots, but the biggest one in the middle is called the Shamash and it is used to light one candle every night for eight nights. We didn’t have time today, but tomorrow we will read a story about Hannukah and light the candles on the Menorah!

We had a great time playing in the sand today! We dug holes, made mud balls, and built sand castles!

Thank you all for another fabulous day! Have a wonderful evening and make sure you get lots of rest for our big tomorrow!



Ohana International School