This is Hallowee... Eve!

Wednesday, October 30th - This is Halloween.. Eve.

It was a wet Wednesday morning when we welcomed our little Buds. The day before Halloween! We are so excited to see what you will wear tomorrow! We had four activities out today. Dress up, people figures, pumpkin pouring and a puzzle. 

The pouring activity was super popular today. First we had white rice and orange rice on a table and two jars, one with a ghost face and the other a pumpkin. Using scoopers we tried to fill up the jars with the rice. S was so excited to feel the texture of the rice and H loved scooping up pieces with his hands, I also smiled happily as he filled up the orange rice into the pumpkin jar. 

A, as soon as she came in, ran to the dress up table and put on a beautiful pink princess dress, she kindly gave different costumes to each of her friends and teachers. She was in her element! L put on a pirate hat and  enjoyed showing off her new look to all of her teachers. I also loved dressing up as different things, especially the pink minnie mouse ears. 

Over at the puzzle table, M and S helped each other to complete the color puzzle. M especially was so focused. 

Y and Y were using the people figures and smiling. L came over with her dress up eye mask on her face and played nicely. R was exploring a bit of everything however she took a liking to the people figures and smiled as she watched her friends. 

After a long clean up due to the abundance of rice on the floor, we made a beautiful circle and sat down. 

Lucy asked a question “what is special about tomorrow?”.. “It's halloween!” said I. That's correct. Today's circle time focused on preparing and getting excited for our party tomorrow!! 

We practiced our different faces. Happy, angry, scared and sad. A and Y made some great faces! Then we sang our song in a big voice! L, A, I and y sang very nicely! I hope you get to hear it tomorrow. 

After that we all sat wonderfully for story time. We are so impressed by how fast our Buds are learning and growing. Today we practiced the very important phrase “trick or treat!”. With a big door, Lucy showed us some different outfits; a wolf, a pirate, and a Pikachu. Then the children had some fun hiding behind the door and saying trick or treat in the different outfits and accessories! We sang the song “knock, knock, trick or treat. Who are you?”. 

After snack time it was time to carve our pumpkin. We dimmed the lights and sang a relaxing song. We experimented with looking up at the bright flash light in the dark room. R pointed up and L gasped. Henri and Ichiri layed down together and giggled. 

Once we got used to being in the dark it was time for some body parts. We sang “head, shoulder, knees and toes” slow and fast and high and deep. And it was time to… reveal the pumpkin. 

We put a tea light inside and watched as the light glimmered and make the pumpkins smile flicker….spooky! 

After that we enjoyed some free play inside due to the rain. We had the tunnel where S, H, L and I enjoyed zooming through and poking their smiley faces out the other end. On the other side of the room we had the stuffed animals. Y pretended to play the guitar with surprising accuracy. A and Y had the dinosaurs and I and M were playing with the dog. 

It was such a busy day today. We are so excited to see you tomorrow! Have a wonderful evening! 


