
Happy Friday Everyone ! 

We had so much fun with our Petals friends today! The day started with an improvised finger puppet show created entirely by team Petals! E became a firefighter, M was a princess with a skirt full of glitters, and everyone added a character like butterflies, a cute little mouse, a scary but friendly snake in a box, and so many other characters! It was so funny!

Then Maryna came to our class to give us a dance lesson, it was really fun! We moved to what T called, The Fruits Song, but in the song we're talking about corn and K said that corn was a vegetable! We don't know what to call the song, but we liked it a lot and because it was very funny! We jumped, moved, danced, and laughed a lot, we love Maryna's dance lessons so much!

When we came back from Step park, Marjorie read us the adventures of Leo, a little lion. The book is called "The lion who wanted to love” by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz. 

Leo doesn't want to hunt like his family and wants to be friends with everyone and hug everyone instead! He goes on an adventure in the jungle and makes a lot of friends by helping a lot of animals. When he found himself in danger in the river and unable to get out, all the jungle friends formed a team and worked together by holding each other's hand to succeed in saving Leo! 

After everyone in Petals Class agreed that it was important to help friends and work as a team, we did 2 team games together! The first one was like a relay race, we had to walk with a bean bag on our head and give it to the friend in front of us and the last friend in the race had to put the cushion in a green basket. M said “It is fun doing it together”! G and J said it was too easy so we played another game that was a little bit harder. When Marjorie said it was a little harder, T said "harder is scary" and K replied "Let's do it together"! 

He's right, if we are together, nothing is scary! The game was very funny, we did the same relay race game, but this time we had to hold a spoon with a plastic apple on it and we had to be careful not to drop the apple while walking with it! We worked together to carefully carry the apple to the bucket! R even came up with another relay race game idea, we have to put the apple on our head! Next week can give that a try!

Thank you so much for today everyone, have a good weekend and see you next week ! 
