"Riding in My Car"
Image of Woody Guthrie from: https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2021/03/11/woody-guthrie-grammys-alastair-moock
Hello on a very hot Thursday, Petals class families! Today was super fun. We started straight away with snack and a little playtime, then we got changed and went up for water play! Everyone had fun, and Pauline brought some balls for us to float around!
After water play time, we came down for circle time. First, we talked about ways we can get around the city. Jake asked, “So, how else can we go around the city?” T answered, “A truck!” S said, “A white taxi!” Jake taught everyone a new song, “Riding in My Car” by Woody Guthrie. We had fun singing and going “B-b-b-b-b” to make the car sound.
Then, we reviewed with our jobs cards.
Jake: “Who remembers the person who takes care of somebody who’s hurt?”
T: “Doctor.”
Jake: “The person who takes care of someone when they did a bad thing?”
Everyone: “Police officer.”
Jake: “We went to see this person.”
Everyone: “Vet.”
Jake: “And what does that person do?”
G: “Checking the doggie, and the cat, and the chicken!”
Jake: “And then we have a person who tells little kids about things.”
R: “This one teacher!”
Jake: “And then a person who flies a…”
G: “Airplane! But it will crash!”
Jake: “Who’s this?”
Everyone: “Pilot!”
After that, we talked about some new jobs.
1. Dentist
Jake: “Who went to the dentist before?”
T: “T! I went to the dentist with my mommy and daddy!”
S: “Mommy daddy.”
2. Firefighter
Jake: “Who can put out the fire?”
T: “T! I can spray it with my water cannon.”
Jake: “It’s a firefighter! They can use this long hose and spray the water on the fire.”
3. Chef
Jake: “What’s inside the pot?”
J: “Soup.”
Jake: “And who makes the soup? A chef!”
4. Farmer
Jake: “This is a person who grows our food. Sometimes this person makes corn or beans or potatoes and tomatoes. Sometimes, this person raises the pigs and…what are other animals on the farm?”
R: “Dinosaur!”
G: “Cows! And chickens!”
5. Waiter
Jake: “So. The chef makes our food at the restaurant. But who brings the food?”
S: “I go to the restaurant and in the restaurant with my mommy - just my mommy - my mommy said my daddy almost come back.”
Jake: “When you go to the restaurant do you go get the food by yourself in the kitchen?”
S: “No.”
Jake: “Who comes to bring your food? The waiter!”
Everyone: “Waiter!”
After circle time, we had a very yummy lunch. Everyone ate nicely, and then we all had a quiet nap time. It was another wonderful day of summer school at Ohana. Thanks so much!
Petals class