Ideas on how to Reduce?

Happy Monday everyone! We are always so excited to come back to school from the weekend! We have so many stories to tell our friends and so many ideas to share with our teachers! We enjoyed chatting with our friends as we played with the Kapla blocks. When our names were called we joined Vieda to paste our food puzzles on our portfolios and went to the painting table with Nimo. Our painting activity was very unique and fun today! Instead of using our usual painting tools, like paintbrushes and sponges, we used pinecones, branches, and tree bark! We dipped them into paint and made wonderful patterns and mixed the paint together to make new colors! Once everyone was finished with their crafts, we packed everything away and then headed to step park. Luckily for us there weren’t so many people at the park, so we had plenty of room to run and have fun!

When we got back, we started our circle time. Our friends made our circle time very exciting today by asking so many great questions! It all started with a great question by K, “Who invented bees?”.

Before we started to talk about the question, Nimo asked us if we knew what “invent” means. First, we sounded out the word and spelt it out on the board.

B: Invent means you make something.

Z: When somebody makes a machine and we use it for something special.

We learned that “invent” is when someone makes something new! Nimo taught us that the Wright Brothers are very famous for inventing the airplane, which meant they were the first people to make airplanes.

D: My dad makes airplanes.

A: My dad also makes airplanes. He invents them.

K: Who made the Earth?

B: God made the Earth.

Z: I know God made the earth and I know his name. His name is Alamniya.

K: Who created the Moon?

T: Who is the Earth’s mom and dad?

Z: Usually the Earth doesn’t have a mommy and a daddy because Earth is already a grown up.

B: When my daddy lived in America he was with Grandma J, when daddy grow up and move to Japan, he still has Grandma J in America.

K: Why is Pluto not a planet?

T: Does someone live in Pluto?

K: It’s too cold, people say Pluto is an ice planet.

B: Nimo, you should use the iPad and look for the answers.

Nimo: I like how we are coming up with so many different ideas! I like that we are wondering, we can look for the answers later.

A: I know that people are smaller than the planets.

Z: I saw Mars on TV, it was very dusty.

B: Why is it dusty?

K: The planet is old, it’s a grandpa so it died.

K: Some people make machines like drones that can go to Mars and look at it, then the scientists take notes. One time a large meteor hit Mars and there was Lava inside Mars.

We had so much fun asking questions and wondering about them, maybe we will talk about the other planets sometime soon to find out some answers!

Our Question of the Day was, “Do you have an idea to reduce trash?”. K, D, Y, and Z said yes. S volunteered to count the names and write the number “4” on the board. We then had our four friends share their ideas.

K: We send the gomi up to the sky. They go up and up, and then they go down into a haunted house.

D: Make a bin and recycle.

Z: When you find something and you keep buying, you keep throwing things away. That’s reducing.

Y: I will share my idea later.

Thank you friends for your lovely ideas! Our home for Tuesday is for everyone to think of an idea how to “reduce”. We are excited to hear all of your great ideas! Have a lovely evening and see you all tomorrow!

