Hot Dog Land

We all love Forest Fridays now. It’s our time to be free from the rules in the classroom. We can jump, run, and scream if we wanted to but today we had another special occasion. More on that later.

During free play, we saw that there was a baby carriage on top of the shelves so we asked if it was okay for us to play. The teachers brought down the baby carriage along with some dolls. We spent time dressing and undressing them putting them in the baby carriage and just playing with the carriage without anything in it. There was also a baby bathtub to wash the babies. While we were playing Pauline took some of us aside to make a video message. We didn’t get to play too long because it’s Forest Friday and we had to go to our special event. 

Tomorrow will be Erika’s birthday so we went down to Buds to celebrate with her and the whole school. Some parents from Buds even joined via Zoom. This year is special because she will be 30 years old! We gave her a crown, sang happy birthday, have her presents and gave her our eBirthday card that we made this morning. Happy birthday Erika! 

After the party, we went straight to the forest. On the way, the teachers asked us if we wanted to walk by ourselves or without the rope. We gladly said, “By ourself!” Of course, we can walk by ourselves now but there are a few things we have to think about. Since we’re on the big road and there are lots of cars and bicycles we had to stay close to the side. We also should stay close to our friends because if we’re too far that is also dangerous. We tried our best to walk together and even crossed the roads by ourselves. This was our first time walking like this but we did a great job!

When we got to the park we decided that we wanted to find the waterfall that we played with last week. We chose a direction that we think the waterfall is and walked that way. At the intersection, we stopped to wait for our friends. While waiting, K spotted a giant boulder and tried to climb it. It looked like fun so we all surrounded the boulder to climb it. There was a massive amount of friends trying to climb all at once but H was the first one to get up. After she got up she tried to help her friends get up too by holding their hands. There was a lot of teamwork to get people up. Since not all of us could be on the boulder at the same time the rest of us explored what was around the area. There was a cicada exoskeleton, another smaller boulder, a medium-sized boulder,  a hollow stump acorns and catkins. A saw the catkin and brought it to O. She told him, “Here it’s a hot dog!” O was super excited and went hot dog hunting. Soon everyone was looking for hot dogs and had a hot dog picnic. Some of our friends called the hot dogs croquettes and had a croquet party. On the way back, we found another cicada exoskeleton but this one looked different and was heavier. We think there’s still a cicada in it! We wanted to take it but since the forest is its home we should probably leave it here. We put it back around the tree and as much as we wanted to stay we had to go back for lunch. That concludes our wonderful Forest Friday! Another marvelous time spent in the forest. It’s amazing we spent the whole time in a little section of the forest. We named the area we playing in today “Hot Dog Land” after all the hot dogs we’ve found. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about our day! Have a wonderful weekend!


Wild Petals Class Children