Respect and Embracing Differences

Here’s Sayaka and her fruit shop customers.

Good morning Petals friends! We had a wonderful day as always! During free play, we had a self-portrait activity with Kai. It was also very interesting that H, R, and L suddenly went under the table. Then H said, “Jishin desu, jishin desu. Earthquake!” They were doing an earthquake drill by themselves. L was looking at them with a cheeky smile and said, “Jishin?? Eeeee!” Sayaka, on the other hand, asked us to pretend we have a fruit shop. “Who wants to be a customer? Who wants to be the cashier?” She asked us. “Me!” K, M, A, H, C, and L wanted to be a customer. Then L said, “You are cashier, Sayaka. Here you go!” Lea gave some toy coins to her. Sayaka put the numer cards in front of the fruits. “Customers, please look at the number and give the same number of the coins.” Then Sayaka demonstrated what we will do. “Who wants to buy the blue fruit..blueberries?” Sayaka asked, and K raised his hand, counted the coins, and gave it to “the cashier”. They were all happy to get what they wanted. So, Sayaka announced that her fruit shop is closed for today. “WHY?” they asked her. Sayaka said that there was nothing to sell anymore. Hahaha! 

Circle time for today: “Respect” is the word that Sayaka emphasized to us. “I respect you. You respect me. This is our #1 class rule.” Sayaka told us. She also used an example of what Kai said yesterday to one of our friends. “If you give respect, you get respect.” It also means that if you don’t respect, then you might not get respect. Sayaka mentioned that listening to others shows respect or if you use gentle hands, then you get gentle hands from others. 

Today’s book was “Yoko” by Rosemary Wells. It was a great book to teach us that we should respect other cultures, try new things, and embrace differences. One day, Yoko brought her favorite sushi lunch. The sushi lunch was very new to the others and was different so they said that it was strange or weird. When her teacher found out that she was crying and sad, she decided to have the international food day. Luckily she was able to have discovered a new good friend, Timothy who tried a bite of her lunch and loved it! It was a nice story. While Sayaka was reading it, one of our friend shared with her that she didn't want to try new food. It is okay to not like something new but our teachers suggested to try at least. Then we’ll see for ourselves if we don’t like it or if we actually like it. 

We requested to our teachers if we could go to Robot Park so Sayaka had a bit shorter circle time. Before she finished, she mentioned our international month. It is going to be a great opportunity to learn something new and discover new cultures. We also should show our respect when we have a Zoom presentation. H pointed her ears and said, “Hio listening ear.” We are so ready and excited for the international month!

We had a wonderful time at Robot Park! We enjoyed singing many songs all the way coming back to school. We hope you all had a wonderful day. 


All the adventurous little bunnies in Petals Class

Ohana International School