The Real Story About Eggs and Chicken Nuggets

            The wait is over! Today was the day that we have been waiting for. We shared lots of interesting ideas about eggs and chicken, and we eagerly waited for this day that we would finally hear what really is in our fried chicken or chicken nuggets. Just before we discussed the answers to our many questions, we shared what we know about eggs…for the last time😊

            Za: Do you know that some eggs are for eating, and some are for hatching. And this morning, I ate so yummy fluffy eggs!

            K: I ate eggs at the sushi restaurant last night for dinner.

            Ky: I had eggs in my panini yesterday. And today my chahan, also eggs.

            Ch: I eat flat eggs that are yellow.

            Ky: I eat black eggs in Hakone.

            Y: Hakone? Me, too! I got to two onsen.

            Ky: K and dad go to onsen, not me. Too hot.

            A: I go to onsen before.

            Za: I like to eat spicy food.

            Listening to our friends reminded us of the big word that we learned before. It’s DIVERSITY! We eat different kinds of food, and our favorites are different, too but it’s okay.

            Now we were all set to watch a short video on the computer to discover how we get the eggs that we eat. We listened intently and after it, we excitedly shared what we felt was interesting about the video.

            No: Eggs come from chickens.

            Ch: From the female chickens.

            K: They lay 300 eggs a year.

            Ky: Pink box is I know where they go. To the supermarket.

            Ch: The eggs are put from small to bigger.

            K: Big or large.

            No: The trucks take the eggs to the supermarket.

            K: The trucks load the eggs then to the cargo to the forklift. And then they take them to other countries. Then trucks come again and take them to the supermarket.

            Za: The people check the eggs if look like they’re okay.

            K: They tap the eggs to feel different sound. They tap it and then the sound can say if the egg is real or fake. If it’s fake, then it has rubber or plastic.

            Za: At the end of the movie, I remember that the eggs hold by the egg holder (a person) so they can see that eggs don’t get dirty.

            Ky: Now I’m hungry! I want to eat my eggs today.

            Ch: Fake eggs they sell it as toys.

            Ky: K say eggs not yummy. Me eggs is yummy. I eat eggs and salt and it’s very yummy.

            Ch:Ky’s daddy make omelet rice, will Ke eat?

            Ky: No like.

            A: I’m allergic to peanuts.

            Za: I don’t like soba.

            A I like blue pepper. It’s not spicy. When I was one year old, I ate it and my mommy and daddy, and sister eat it too.

            K: It’s no nuts at Nishimachi, too!
            Ky: Why Nishimachi, Ohana, and Vieda’s son no nuts?

            K: Most English schools are no nuts.

            Z: Sometimes if the peanut butter falls and then people will slip and fall.

  We learned that as the concept of diversity is, some of our friends could not eat certain food because their body could get hurt. When A mentioned about being allergic to peanuts, we discussed at how think of our friends like him when we bring food to Ohana. Thank you so much, Flowers friends for being considerate to our friends!
            How about our fried chicken and chicken nuggets? And just like our chat about the eggs, we wanted to share our ideas before we start talking about the answer.

            Be: The chicken, that’s the walking one. We don’t eat the walking one.

            A: Chicken is from the supermarket. It’s the same with the walking chicken.

            Chr: It’s the same because they (the hunters) kill it. Then it doesn’t move anymore. They put it in the freezer then they put it in the supermarket so the people can buy it. So, they make the chicken in the supermarkets. The hunters kill them.

            A Walking chicken is the one we eat.

            K: So, the hunter takes the chicken to the factory put them in the truck or plane or train. Then they take then to different countries and finally the supermarkets.

            Z: People who deliver them kill them at their house.

  Z and Be took a deep breath and said, “Ahhhh!” when they heard that the walking chickens who say “Cock-a-doodle-do!” are the same chicken that is in our fried chicken or chicken nuggets. Ch remembered about the dead beetle that we saw at the park yesterday. He said, “Beetle is dead and won’t move. The ants will eat, and the poo will help the tree grows”.

We also talked about that pork is from pig while beef is from cows.  We were quite surprised when Vieda told us that some people choose to be vegetarians or not to eat meat at all. When Z heard this, she said, “Oh that’s so kind of them! Why do some people decide not to eat meat or just eat a little of meat?”, then A shared, “But I want to eat lots of meat!”.  Speaking of diversity, it’s okay if we choose to not to eat meat as well as it’s okay to eat meat if we want to.

            Now we know how we get eggs and chicken served on our dining table!

Next week, we will be venturing into our discovery of creatures that live in the sea and ocean. When A heard about animals that live in the water, he raised his hand and immediately said, “I eat fish. I eat a real shark and ika (squid)! We are looking forward to another exciting discovery about sea creatures!

            In the morning, we tried to continue working on our underground poster. We decided to add white paper so we could draw the grass and the topsoil where the trees and buildings are. We stuck our drawings and the “letters” (blurbs) on our poster, too! We will share them with you soon!

            Y was so proud of his creation with the blocks. He said, “I made big, big factory dinosaurs!”. And he did it all by himself! His friends came to see what he made when they heard him shared it with the teachers.  And they all said, “Wow!!! Can we join?”. After that, Y together with his friends, turned the dinosaur factory into a much bigger factory!  Bravo to our future architects and engineers!

            Have a great weekend!



Ohana International School