Pass the Ball!

Free Play

In the morning we played with all sorts of activities. There were dinosaur counters for us to sort and count if we wanted to. On the other side were clothes pins and hangers. It was a workout for our fingers to pinch and to clip on the socks and mittens. We also had the chance to draw on basketball and baseball jerseys. In the big open area we played with cars. We love bringing the cars to other places in the room like our Petals Class garden! 

Circle time

We started our circle time by making a circle. We jumped around, shook our bodies, ran in place and danced to warm up our bodies. We had a new friend today and her name is Noa. We introduced everybody's names by singing our “What is your name?” song. As we went around the circle and asked our friends “What is your name?” and answered, “My name is ….” Now that we all know each other we can move on with the circle time.  

Continuing on our teamwork practice last Friday, we played a teamwork game. The game was called “Pass the ball”. Kai started by bringing out a ball, he told us the rule of the game is we have to stay seated on the floor and use our bottom to move around. We need to keep the ball away from the teacher. We started with only one friend and it was too easy for him to catch us. Then we moved up to two people. While he got close to the person with the ball he quickly passed it to the other friend. It was a bit harder for the teacher to catch us this way. We added another person and it was even harder for him to catch the ball. Now we kind of understand the rules, we divided the team up into two groups. At first, it was hard for us to pass the ball and we got caught by the teacher. After 3 rounds we got the idea and were able to pass and escape from the teacher! It takes more cooperation than we thought because some friends still want to hold on to the ball. It was a great experience to have a common goal! After the game, Kai told us that we need to work together in some Olympic games similar to basketball. Maybe next time we can add a basket for us to put the ball in. 

It was hot outside but it might be the only chance we have to go to the park this week! We got ready for the park right after snack and headed out. At the park, we played tag, tried to do some cartwheels, laid around on the floor and explored in the sand. 

It was another great opening day for another Olympic week! 


Collaborative Petals Class