Athletes' Food and Curling

              “Good morning!”  We greeted each other cheerfully. For morning activities, some of us continued making the leaf crown. The other two tables made our hands and fingers busy as we explored different materials on each table. One table had crystal beads and the other had counting sticks. We had a great time sorting beads according to colors and sizes. Towards the middle of our activity, we discovered that when we put a lot of beads in a cup and covered with another cup and SHAKE them… we could create a loud noise! The counting sticks gave us an opportunity to match the number written on the board with the number of sticks to put in. Well, as creative as we are, we also explored on making different models out of the counting sticks!

                “Would you like to go to the park?” Our teachers asked us. We shouted out, “Yessss!” We went to Step Park and played with the ball. As always, we all wanted to play with the ball, and enjoyed chasing, kicking, and throwing it around.

  For our story time, Sayaka read the book, “Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French, illustrated by Alison Bartlett” before we started today’s circle time. As soon as L saw the book, she said, “I know that book!” In the book, there was a boy named Oliver. He wanted to eat chips and asked his grandpa for it. His grandpa told him that, he will cook for him if he could find potato from his farm. While Oliver was trying to look for potatoes, he also found some vegetables. Finally, he was able to find potatoes and enjoyed eating it. Ad said with his eyes wide open, “I love potato chips and made chips before.” Then other friends mentioned that they also LOVE chips! Then Ti raised his hand and said, “My mommy and I can’t eat potato chips because there’s too much oil.” Ad mentioned that he likes homemade potato chips. It was such a nice conversation and related to our question of the day. The question was “Do athletes eat sweets?” Sayaka asked us what the sweets are.

Ad: All kinds of candies.
Ak: Snacks
Ch: Lollipop and chocolate.
Ki: Cake.
K: Chips.
A: Juice.
Ti: Marshmallow.

Sayaka explained that there are lots of sugar inside the sweets and it makes people feel tired, sleepy, and sick. Then Za said, “That’s what my mommy always says!” “Sayaka said that athletes don’t really eat sweets because they need to be healthy and strong to keep a good performance. “What is healthy food?” was the next question.

Ad: Banana.
A: Lemon.
A: Pizza. I think it’s healthy.
T: I think Pizza isn’t healthy.
Ak: But the toppings are vegetables. Some countries have blueberry on top.
Ti: It’s not healthy because it’s too much oil.
A: Tomato?
Ch: Bread.
A: Ice cream?
Ak I always eat ice cream, I eat fruits.
Ky: Sausage.
Sayaka: Bread, rice, noodle can be energy food. Meat is protein and it will help you to build the big muscle. Fruit and vegetable have lots of vitamin. It will help you not to get sick. Oh, it helps you to have nice skin!
K: You need to exercise! (When you eat energy food)
Ki: I always eat meat!
Za: Me too! I always eat meat. (She showed her muscle)

After our interesting discussion about healthy food, we played a fun game. It was similar with freeze game.  When the music stopped, we had to find a healthy toy from a variety of food toys that were on the floor.

We also learnt new sports which was called curling. We thought it was like ice hockey. After Sayaka explained a bit about curling, we enjoyed our curling on the table. We were divided by two groups-Team green and team red. Then we had green and red ice cubes and each of us tried to hit our ice cubes towards the goal. It looked easy to do it at first, but it was not, and we felt like that what it made it more fun! We enjoyed our “cool” curling time.

Thank you for today and see you all tomorrow!

XOXO Flowers Class