All Aboard the Airplane
We remembered that last week, we talked about Australia. Our teachers asked if we wanted to go there from here in Japan, what do we do?
“Underwater airplane,” H said.
“Swim,” A said.
“Do you know where is Australia?” Pauline asked, and Z pointed to Papua New Guinea– close enough! It was very near Australia.
“You have to jump there,” S said while looking at the map.
“Taxi,” L said.
“Rocket ship,” A answered.
“A boat,” A suggested.”
“An airplane,” H said. Yes, that’s the fastest way to Australia– or to go anywhere! Going by boat to Australia is also possible, but it will take a long, long time. The rocket ship is for going to—
“Outer space!” H and S chimed in.
“Like Saturn,” A said.
Our story for today was about Maisy Goes by Plane by Lucy Cousins. W didn’t have that book in the school, so Pauline used an e-book. It tells the story of Maisy who went to stay with her friend Ella. Ella lives far away, so Maisy needs to take an airplane. She got dropped off at the airport.
“What’s an airport?” Pauline asked.
“It where all the airplanes all lift off,” H explained. He was quite right.
Maisy showed her ticket and checked in her case. She also had to go through security. Finally, she can board the airplane with all the other passengers!
Maisy looked for her seat. When she found it, she became friends with her seatmates. They all helped each other put on their seatbelts.
They did a lot of things in the airplane– they ate, drank, read, and even paid a visit to the toilet. Finally, it was time for the plane to land– which it did with a little bump and jump. They all cheered and clapped.
They got off the plane and waited for their bags to come, and Maisy bid her new friends goodbye. But she said hello to Ella, who was waiting for her! The End.
Pauline reminded us that last week, she also talked about a small, important book that we need to always bring whenever we travel to other countries…
“A passport,” H said. Pauline showed us her passport– she opened it, and it had her unsmiling picture. Maybe because we’re not allowed to have a big, toothy grin or flash the peace sign when we take passport photos!
Included inside were important details like the country she’s from, and her birthday. She told us that the passport always gets checked in the airport, and it is used to make sure if it’s really us. No passport means no traveling!
Our teachers also explained to us that our passport gets stamped whenever we go to another country– that’s what the pages are for. They’re certainly not for drawing and coloring! Pauline showed us the different stamps she had. She and the rest of the teachers were a little bit sad that they can’t add more stamps to their passports because coronavirus means no international travel yet! They also said that when we get home, we can ask you, mommies and daddies, if we can have a look at our own passports.
We then talked about what’s our favorite part about traveling in an airplane.
“Watching T.V.” S immediately answered.
“Watching T.V. and eating lunch,” H added.
“I like watching T.V.,” A said.
“I like eating lunch,” A said.
“Eating lunch and watching T.V.,” Z said.
“Watch T.V.,” A answered.
“T.V.,” L said.
“Eat,” S said with a smile.
“Toys,” D said.
“Snack,” Y said.
“Snack!” H agreed.
“Sleep,” U said. We all certainly miss riding an airplane!
After that, we went to the park– it was a glorious day to be outside! The sky was blue, and the sun was bright and warm. We even didn’t have to bring our jackets– and were a bit sweaty from running around the green area!
Free play time was also busy– we had a closer look at some of our flowers and petals using the magnifying lens, we continued painting our canvas wit Kai, and we had fun playing blocks with Sayaka and chatting with her.
That’s all for today– how about you? How was your day?
All the jet- setting bunnies in Petals Class