Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
We saw the children looking up at something. “What are you looking at?” we asked. We thought it was an airplane.
“Look! It’s orange!” K said.
“Which one?” we asked.
“The tree!” the children said excitedly.
“WOW!” We all said together at the same time as we looked at the big tree changing colors.
In the morning we started our play with spin tops on the table. They look like dreidels so we tried to spin them. They’re still a little difficult so Sayaka helped us spin the tops. We are also on the next step of our end of the year present. We worked on that with Pauline, if you look closely you might be able to tell what they are but for now it’s a secret. On the floor we had blocks on the floor which we used to make dinosaurs and all sorts of other objects. We also used it to play in the candy house along with our favorite toys for the week, food items and money!
After cleaning up we danced to the snowman freeze song which we love. Kai asked us if we wanted to build a snowman. In the song they made snowballs so we also need to make snowballs. L went to the whiteboard and drew two circles on top of each other to show us how the snowman should look. H said that the snowman should be white. Okay, how else could we build the snowman? Should we use cardboard, balls or anything else? We all wanted to use balls. So Kai gathered five different- sized balls in the classroom and 5 blue mats. We looked at the balls and sorted them by size. We first found the smallest one and then the next smallest and the next smallest. After that, we took turns organizing the balls. It was time to decide which two balls we wanted to build the snowman. The balls were spread out in the room and we had to line up behind the ball that we wanted to use. When everyone had their turn we counted how many friends were behind each ball. M pointed out that the biggest number was 4 so that’s the one that we will use. There was also another number with 4 on it. It looks like our snowman will have a medium size body and a tiny head! It’ll be exciting to see how it turns out!
At the park we were able to play with Buds class! Some Buds friends always take their shoes and socks off when they go to the park and it looks very comfortable so we also gave it a shot. It was a really sensory play and it felt nice walking on the grass even though it’s artificial. Even though it’s a bit chilly outside we don’t feel the cold and are happy to run, kick, and play without shoes. It was so nice being outside!
We hope you’ve also had a wonderful day. How would you build a snowman?
Love always,
Barefoot Petals Class Children