Giving Thanks and Experiments

            Yu sang the song, “Today is Friday. Today is Friday. Friday zoop! All you hungry children. Come and eat it up!” as he came to Flowers today. The days went by so quickly this week.

            Our FANTASTIC FRIDAY started as we made two exciting projects. On one table, we cut along the lines to make a heart shape. U asked, “Why are we cutting hearts?”. No replied, “Because we are going to make it for someone we like”. Yes, we are in the time of the year where we think of people we love and reflect on the things that we are grateful for having them around. We wrote our love notes on the hearts that we cut. We’d love to share our messages here:

            K: Thank you for taking me to Kyoto.

            Kyi: I love Dad.

            Me: Thank you, Mom and Dad.

            Ch: Thank you for Mommy.

            N: Happy thanksgiving!

            Yu: Happy thanksgiving!

            U: Happy thanksgiving.

            Re wrote his name.

 Vieda said that we would make a turkey craft out of coffee filters. When Ki saw the coffee filters, he was so excited and told us, “My Daddy use this one for coffee!”. We made our turkey craft by painting coffee filters with colorful dot markers. Just when we thought how cute they were after putting lots of dots on them, Vieda sprayed some water on them. Una said, “Wow this is so amazing!” as the colors faded through the filters. We cannot wait to see our turkey craft soon!

On another table, we noticed why there were crayons in a bowl of water. Ch and Me were so eager to know that they waited until they learned what they were for. We are planning to make a thanksgiving chandelier using crayon shavings. So, we gathered all our old crayons, dipped them in water which made peeling the paper off easily. The fun began when we used peelers like what Mom used to peel carrots, to make crayon shavings. Me was so into it that she asked the teachers if she could do it again next week. We are so excited keep our hands busy to make our crayon shavings project soon!


            We enjoyed making our turkey craft and writing special notes for our thanksgiving project. What is thanksgiving?

            U: It’s what they did, and you like.

            Me: Kids give card to grown-ups.

            Ch: Mom and Dad make something for me and then we do the same thing to them.

 It seemed like we got a little stuck as we tried to figure out what thanksgiving meant. Vieda wrote the word. THANKSGIVING and we realized that it is a combination of two words --- THANKS and GIVING. That was such a huge clue!

            Cr: It’s like thank you!
           No It’s giving stuff people.

            Me We write a message and give it to someone.

            U: Something people do to you, and it feels nice.

            Ch: We give favorite things in our dreams.

            K: It’s giving thanks like thank you for taking me to Kyoto.

            Me: Thank you for taking me to Nikko.

            U: Thankful for my family for making food and taking me to Nojiriko.

            Ky: Thankful for Daddy always computer making posters.

            Ch: Thankful for Dad and Mom for playing with me.

            N: I love Mom and Dad. I am thankful for Mommy for taking me to the park everyday and Daddy for giving me ice cream in the morning and in the afternoon every day.

            Au: Thank you Daddy for making snacks. Mom for play with me. Nimo for snacks. Vieda too for snacks.

              It made us feel good to pause and think of people we are thankful for😊

 STORY TIME: When I Feel Angry written by Cornelia Maude Spelman, illustrated by Nancy Cote

            For most times, we have happy and positive feelings inside of us. There are times that we are not and the feeling that we have inside is angry or mad feeling. Today for our story time, we realized once more that it is okay to have angry or mad feelings. The important thing is for us to know how to handle these feelings, so nobody’s feelings get hurt, and we do not have to feel sorry after. We also talked about things that make us angry and what we usually do when we are angry. We appreciate that everyone was honest to share their thoughts about being angry.

            Kyi: I feel like angry. I forgot why but I draw when I’m angry.

            Ch: When I am angry, I play more things.

            Yu: I play.

            Au: I mad, I make a snack.

            Un: I draw when I am angry.

            Yu: I am angry when So no say, “Play please”.

            U: I’ll be angry when people make fun of me.

            Yu: S (brother) crying to grandma.

            Ch: This story makes me sad.

            Yu: I love winning. When I win, I laugh. It does not matter if we win or lose, but having fun is the best part.

            Yu: I love winning (laughed!). Puzzle, please then I am happy.

            N: We need some peace and quiet. If you whine, people can’t understand you.

We discussed about some ways we can do when we feel angry. These ways can help us not to say mean words or yell at others. We can walk away or run or even ride our bike. We can also rest or cry, too. When we cool down, we could try listening and talking to someone who made us feel angry. We’re glad to know that it’s okay to have angry feelings sometimes. We hope we could try some of these techniques the next time we feel angry.


            This week, some our friends had questions about water such as, “What is the color of water?” and “What is water made of?”. Our experiment may not answer these questions, but we thought of having an experiment that shows some magical side of water. Since we know that all of us like milk, we also had an experiment about the magical side of milk!


Experiment 1. We used milk, food coloring, and soap. We played scientists so we took turns in making predictions as to what will happen to our tray of milk with food coloring when we dip some soap in it.

            Kyi: It will be rainbow.

            Me: There will be bubbles with rainbow.

            U: Another color will come, and it will move.

            Y: You drink and (pretended to throw up).

            Nh: It will have soapy bubbles.

            Christopher: We will have real river.

            Ky: This here black.

            Au: It is ice cream.


We were in awe when we saw what happened when soap was dipped into the tray. We had so many questions like, “How did that happen?”, “Why did the colors move like that?”, and “What did soap do to the colors?”. We keep these questions and talk about them next time!


Experiment 2. We used water, pepper, and soap. We shared our predictions as to what would happen when soap is dipped into a tray of water and pepper.

            N We will have peppermint.

            Ch/M: We’ll have pepper river.

            U: There will be colors.

            Ky: This will be blue.

            Au: It will be dirty.

            When we saw what happened with our tray of pepper and water, Kyi said, “Oh it’s like sand! Pepper just go down and down”. Ch mentioned that “It looks like Antarctica. I wonder if we can hold it”. Me and Kytried holding them, but they couldn’t. Au watched closely and said, “Oh no it’s broken!”. Wow! Amazing! Our teachers said that we would talk about why pepper moved that way.

  A lot of our friends are interested to do these experiments at home. We would love to hear how your experiments go, so please share them with us on Class Dojo😊

Have a great weekend!

Ohana International School