Getting Ready for Park Time!

Play is so much fun!   It’s fun to play by yourself especially in our age group and it’s even more fun to play together :) 

We are already seeing each Buds finding its way around the classroom, exploring new activities, new toys, new textures and getting to know are friends and teachers!  You will see, soon we will surprise you how much we have accomplished even in the first few weeks :)

Ripping and Dipping

H was one of the first friends to come to the table eager to find out what fun was awaiting!  This week, we have been ripping different colored tissue paper and sticking on a hand-shaped paper with Erika.  Today, we  ripping pieces of newspaper which required a little more fingers and hands coordination.  R enjoyed dipping the ripped pieces into a container with some water inside.  She watched the pieces soaking and pushed them more with her hands enjoying the cold, wet feeling.  A particularly loved the wild sound of the newspaper tearing apart and put all his mighty strength in his arms recreating the sound over and over again.  Seeing this, R came over to the table  imitating her hands and soon after she was taking a piece and enjoyed ripping the pieces with A who was very proud to be a role model.  The teachers love to look through into a small  window of how both the older and younger friends help each other.

Sand Play

We were introduced into magic sand called kinetic sand.  What is this?  S was one of the first ones finding comfort in the soft and tender feeling of the sand.  For a while she simply enjoyed touching the surfaces then gradually making holes with her fingers  and exploring how the sand separated while at the same time sticking together.  Erika helped us find more interest in this fun and magical texture.

Getting Ready For the Park

Last Friday we  made a baby step in holding the park rope and walking around the classroom with our friends.  This week, we made another baby step changing our indoor shoes into outdoor shoes then holding the rope outside where the bicycles are parked and we walked around and around!  The Petals were just about to go to the park and watched us curiously almost forgetting that once they were like us and gave us cheers when we made it!  Needless to say, the transition from inside to outside, then back inside was not easy for some friends and even triggered some friends the hope to go home—you can imagine the crying chorus afterwards but it is a sign that we are getting there—to the week or the next week!? 

Obstacle Course and Ohana Garden

We always arrive on the bottom floor where the Buds friends and teachers are but do you know what we can find up the stairs?  We divided the group into two groups of six —one staying in  the classroom working on the obstacle courses with John and Tamara and the other  climbing up the stairs with Erika and Nanako finding to see Petals class on the second floor, Flowers class on the third and on the fourth floor, guess what we found!?  We found a lovely garden with flowers, fruits , herbs and pebbles.  Thank you Maryna for setting up the parasols for us!  A quickly spotted a watering can so we decided to fill it with water and watered the plants :)  We also enjoyed  lining up the pebbles and finding places to hide them.  Downstairs we loved hearing John play the piano while we made our hands and feet busy walking on the balance beams and crawling through the tunnel.

Circle Time 

We played a lot of finger songs and  we also talked about some the things we can do with our hands—we can clap, shake (hold) hands with mommy, brush our teeth and  paint!  Hands are one of the first things we notice as babies and we will explore more all the things we can do with our hands!

Thank you and love from the Buds xoxo


Ohana International School