Scarves in and out of the box


Good morning friends  and teachers! It was great to see you all again after the fabulous weekend you had with the family. Today was a good day because the weather was not so hot but rather a bit cool  for us.

Mega Lego Block Play

Early in the morning, we got some big Lego blocks to play with on the floor. Our friends were always a big fan of making constructions and building things out of the blocks.

Sensory bins with new materials

We do have some new sensory bin materials. Today, we put some red rice, wooden  chips, rocks and pine cones. We were so curious and started playing with them by mixing and exploring their  texture with our hands. It was such a great experience for us to do in the classroom.

Winding Activity

We continued working on our winding activity with the newspaper. We also created new stems and next time, we are going to color/paint on them until we can paste on our wall. Our Buds friends were so active but they needed a little bit of assistance to understand  the concept of wrapping the thread around  the newspaper.

Painting the paper mache

We remembered what Nanako did with us last week. This time, we painted on it with yellow and orange. While we’re taking turns on painting on each side. Shelley was so kind to give us some extra paper to paint on while waiting for  our turn. We did some scribbles and explore with the paint on the table.

Tsurumi-sensei, our fun gym teacher

We’re happy to see our sensei again this week. Our Monday morning exercise is very important for us to get going and going in the classroom. We think that our bodies need lots of movement for us to understand the environment around us.

We did some warm-up exercises as always. Stretching and spreading our arms here and there are just some movements that we always do in the classroom. The animal actions also were quite popular for us too. We walked like a bear, crawled like crocodile and hopped like a bunny. The  highlight of our today’s  workout  was to throw  up and down the small balls we used with our sensei. Thank you so much for being so patient with  us again this week.

Park rope and Parachute Activity

Buds children also went outside to practice holding on to our ropes. We are getting there and our friends were becoming a lot more familiar with this routine. Hopefully, we can go to the park soon as we really want to explore the nature with our friends and teachers. After our rope practice, we took out the parachute and put it up and down. We shook it and laid it on the floor. We got so comfortable as we lay down on it as well.

Insert  and Pull Mystery box/ Fireworks of Scarves

For our last activity, we took out our scarves  and the mystery  box that Nanako brought to school last week. First, we practiced inserting the scarves individually. After  all our scarves being placed in the box, we then took them out again. Then, John asked us  to count from one to  ten to see how the fireworks of scarves in the air. It was amazing to see the flying scarves in our classroom.

I went walking  and  Animal Sounds books

Our friends are becoming more and more interested in animal books so John read, “I went walking” and “Animal sounds”. Making sounds is something we enjoyed doing.

Finger Play

We did some finger play activities. We sang to the tune of Open and Shut them. Our favorite part of the song was doing “Peek-a-boo”. Everybody wanted to make a big sound with our friends. Then, we did some clapping, patting legs and rolling of hands. We did the song for several times on different tempos. We went faster, slower and normal.

Musical Instruments and our favorite songs

There was a big music band in class too. There were lots of percussion instruments out and we’re so happy to make  music with these. Thank you so much teachers for always letting us the way we want to be. Now, we are starting to become more confident about ourselves.

Thank you so much Ohana and have a great a day!

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds Class

Ohana International School