Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

We were so excited to start another day of school, but at the same time we were a little bit sad because it was the last day of school for the year. Today would be the last day for our new friends S, D, and R, we enjoyed playing with them so much we wish we could be together a lot longer. Luckily, they aren’t moving anywhere so hopefully we will see them at the park or somewhere in Azabu! We started our last day of school with a fun craft. Our teachers laid out a lot of junk on the table and we were free to cut, fold, break, paste, and stick anything that was on the table to make our very own unique creation. We also had a hot glue station where we could use the hot glue gun with our teacher for heavy-duty sticking. Our friends really showed their creativity making all kinds of things! We spent all of our morning free play time crafting, then we helped our friends and teachers pack and clean up. We had our snacks first, then we marched on over to Step Park.

We had guests in the green area, and we all know the area is not Ohana’s and we were more than happy to share with our friends. We decided to play outside the green area, however due to the virus we can’t play with the equipment and we had to be super careful of our smaller friends that were also playing at the park. Our friends loved playing tag so we didn’t need any equipment to have fun. The stairs and slopes made a nice little obstacle for our thrilling tag game. All of our friends were having a grand time at the park so our teachers decided to have a longer park time. By the time we left the park and got back to school all our friends were exhausted!


We had an early lunch to recharge our energy and then we gathered together for some music time! We sang silly songs and had a good laugh together. We played lots of games too. Freeze tag is our favorite game and our day wouldn’t be complete without it! Nimo then got his violin and we played a musical game with it. When the music was playing we needed to dance, but when the music stopped we had to stop and lie down on the floor. We needed to listen to the pitch of the violin, if the pitch got higher we would move up until we could stand up. Sometimes the pitch would go down, and when it did, we needed to go down too. It was a great listening game, with a ton of silliness to go with it too!


Thank you friends, for joining us for a great time together! We all had so much fun this winter school and we are honestly a tad bit sad to have to say goodbye, even if it’s only for two weeks. Hope everyone has a lovely winter holiday with their families and we are looking forward to hearing your stories next year! Happy holidays and a happy new year!



Ohana International School