The Snow and the snowman


Starting off our day with a big hello to everybody is a common thing in Buds class. We always love to show our smiles and to be able to connect more with our peers and teachers too. It was such a fun day yesterday because we got to do lots of snowflakes and special star lanterns with Erika. 

 For our table activities, we had some kinetic sand and white paper for free drawing. We made small balls with the kinetic sand and counted them as many as we could. 

Park time was early today because we had to take advantage of the beautiful and cozy weather outside. Since that there were no children at the park yet, we used the big slides and it was such a fantastic opportunity for us to explore more of the other park equipment. 

 After park, we all went back to school and had our snacks. We also played a little with the wooden blocks that we have in the classroom.

 For our circle time, we played with our bells and sang, “Jingle bells” as we walked around the classroom. Then, we cut the big pieces of white paper. We used the scissors and our teachers guided us on how to use them appropriately. We also crumpled big newspaper until we made nice balls and we taped them nicely.

 After cutting the pieces of paper, we gathered them all together and held them in our hands then threw them up in the air. It was like magic! They were like snowflakes that fell down from the sky. It was stunning! We also laid down for a bit and just tried to feel the floor full of piece of pretend snowflakes. 

 Thank you so much for always making our learning experience fun and meaningful!


All the children from Buds Class

Ohana International School