The moon, the rabbits, the brain
What a beautiful day! There’s only one thing to do on such a wonderful, sunny day and that’s to go to Kogai Park! We quickly finished our morning jobs and got ready for the park. Liezel was using old newspaper to make little paper bags for our trash bins. We found the newspaper origami fascinating and watched Liezel turn the sheets of paper into neat little baskets. Liezel saw how interested we were and she offered us some newspaper so we could make them together. We followed Liezel’s instructions and in no time we had a large stack of paper bags. Once everyone was ready we answered our question of the day and then headed off to Kogai Park. The weather was just right today, it wasn’t cold at all nor was it hot! We could run around all day without us getting dizzy from the heat! We had so much fun, we kind of lost track of time and we got back to school very late. So we voted to choose how we would go about the rest of our day. We didn’t have time for our morning snacks and many of us were getting hungry. We could either vote to have lunch early then have circle time afterwards, or have circle time first like usual then lunch. The result was to stick to our usual schedule by a large majority.
We gathered around in a circle and started with a little bit of singing. We sang our good morning song, but we make it a little bit silly by changing the sound of the first sound of our name with the “R” sound, we had a good laugh from our silly song. We then sang the Days of the Week song and all agreed that today is Friday. Nimo asked, “Why do you like Friday?”
Y: Friday night I watch movie with mommy and I eat ice cream. Daddy is there too but he isn’t watching the movie
A: I like Friday because my friend and helper comes
K: I get to play with L-chan
Ke: I like it a little bit because nobody at home, only sitter. I eat ice cream while watching movie
K: I like Friday because the day after tomorrow, I go to grandpa and grandma’s house, and I’m excited because I can watch two movies
C: Because Friday is last day I go to school, then Monday I have Violin class.
U: Because I water the plants at home. I have Strawberries and lots of plants. I also have five fish.
Next we talked about our Question of the Day, which was “Did you do Otsukimi yesterday?”
L: Otsukimi is shadow that looks like bunny and they make mochi
K: I think the shadow of the rabbit is also eating the mochi
Ke: I like Chiba house because I get lots of omochi!
Nimo: If you said yes, can you tell me what you saw?
Y: It was yellow, big and circle
A: I think the bunny rabbits also make mochi for the people too
K: You have to be careful when you eat mochi because it can get stuck in your mouth
A: It’s called choking
K: One time, I eat big mochi , but I break into little pieces
We quickly reviewed how when you choke you can’t talk so we practiced how to do the universal sign of choking and we practiced it together just in case.
After a short chit chat about the beautiful moon we saw yesterday, we got into today’s main topic.
Nimo: What does our heart do?
Y: The heart pumps the blood
Nimo: How about the lungs?
C: we breathe out the Carbon Dioxide
A: And we breathe in the oxygen
Nimo: Do you remember the Digestive system?
K: Eating and then you digest, but beef or pork is hard to digest
C: Esophagus
A: Stomach, breaks the food into small pieces
C: Then it goes to small and large intestines
K: Then out the bum bum
Nimo: I remember K was wondering about something and he asked us on Wednesday, “What is the brain doing?” I wonder what the brain is doing, any ideas?
K: I think it makes you to think
A: You think and the brain make ideas
Y: The body sends messages to the brain and the brain tells us what we need
Nimo: What do you think it looks like?
K: I think there are red circles around it
Y: It’s pink and it’s like a maze
C: A grey maze
Nimo took out the body part puzzle and took the brain part out and showed us.
L: Looks scary because it looks like a monster
K: It’s cute!
A: I don’t want to look at it…
U: Looks like a ghost.
K: It looks old
Nimo: What do you think things lines are, why are they here?
K: So we can think!
U: It helps you to think
A: Without these lines, we won’t be able to think
A: The lines are the ideas and they send to the brain
We finished our circle time with a great big wonder, “what does the brain do, what are the lines for?” Nimo told us to think about it, ask about it, over the weekend so we can continue the conversation again on Monday! We played one silly game before we went and had our lunch. We played the copy cat game again, but this time we had to make a pose for our friends to copy, and the catch was we had to be as silly as possible! The game was super fun and mega funny! We all had a our lunch then had some drawing time before we went home.
Hope everyone has a lovely Friday and we will see everyone again on Monday!