Is our brain hard?

During our morning song, it was noticeable how almost everyone’s feeling was, “I am super, super excited!”. Guess why? Because today was our Sports Day! We had been waiting for this day and had been blessed with a beautiful day!  Please check out our videos and photos to see how much fun we had!

            As we walked our way to the park, we practiced saying our Sports Day chant while holding the poster that we all made! Once we got to Step Park, we had the chance to say it again! We will, we will rock you! Go, go, go Flowers!

            Flowers class started off with a race (five friends at a time), followed by different games such as Spider Tug-of-War, basketball, and Eye of the Typhoon. We used our senses and our energetic bodies as we participated in every game. We used our sense of hearing to listen attentively to every instruction of Tsurumi Sensei, then used our sense of sight to watch how we should play the game. We used our arms to pull ropes and throw balls into the baskets, our feet to run around and hands to carry the stick with a friend! The best part of it all, was to be able to work as a team with our friends! We had such a wonderful time in our Sports Day. Thank you so much, Tsurumi Sensei!

            The day will not be complete without our Question of the Day. We helped each other to read it and here how it went, “Is your brain hard?”.  Before we discussed what our answers were and why we thought so, we talked about where our brain is. We had been talking about such question, but we have not really answered it yet. So, for the second time the question, “Where is your brain!” was raised. Here are our thoughts:

            Ti: I don’t know.

            Ad: I think in our forehead.

            Yu and Ch:: Inside my head.

            Ak: Somewhere in my small eyebrow.

            Li: Behind my eyebrow.

            Ke: Back of my eyebrow.

            Am: Inside my tummy.

            Ka: In my head

            Ri: Tummy

            Me: In my hair

            Ke: In my head

            Ki: Inside my head.


Well, well, well! Everyone’s eyes were on Vieda as she announced where our brain is! Then she said, “Our brain is here!” (pointing to her head). She asked us how we think our brain feels like. As our question of the day said, is it hard? Or is it soft? We started touching our head because now we know it is where our brain is. Some of us shared, “ Our brain is hard because I touched my head and it feels hard!”, while some of us mentioned, “Yes, I think our brain is hard because our head feels like hard, but this is not our brain!’. We had some brilliant ideas that we could not decide what the answer was for our question of the day.

            If our brain is in our head, and our head feels hard, our brain must be hard! That’s a very good point to consider!  However, some of our friends pointed out that our brain is not our head. Vieda asked us if we would be interested to see how our brain looks like, to which we all said, “Yes!”. When we saw a picture of our brain, Ka thinks “it looks like a maze!”. Ke and Am think “it looks like an elephant! “while Me thinks “it looks like a tummy”.  And Ad was so surprised to see it that he exclaimed,” Wow! Our brain looks like that?”.  Since we have not concluded regarding our question of the day, we decided to keep it until tomorrow’s discussion. We would like to share our thoughts with our families how our brain feels like. Is it hard? Is it soft? It would be lovely to share our ideas again tomorrow! We are so excited to hear what our friends and teachers have to say about our brain’s texture!

            Lastly, we have an important announcement! We are proud to announce that Ch’s baby brother has arrived! Welcome to the world, baby boy! And a big congratulations to the whole family! All the best to the newest big brother Ch!

            See you all tomorrow!


Lots of love,

Flowers Class






Ohana International School