Feliz Navidad
GYMNASTICS We were happy to welcome Kaji sensei back to our class for our second gymnastics lesson with him. He only speaks Japanese so we have to pay attention to everything that he does and says. His actions help us understand what he is asking us to do. One of the many fun things that he taught us to do is spin on our bottoms with our feet off the ground; making use of our abs, which are our tummy muscles. We spin to the left and then we spin to the right. We lifted our hips up to make a table and then raised alternative arms and legs so we ended up balancing on one arm and one leg at a time. Phew!
SINGING While we were sitting in our circle, we all had a chance to sing our part for the Body song that will debut at our winter holidays party on Friday. We all knew what part of the body we would be singing about and stood together with our partner and sang together. Our teachers were so proud of us because we knew the words and tune and sang with pride. Our teachers will help those of us who still need some help with remembering the words.
CANDLE MAKING Some of us spent time making candles for our “How many candles” song which we love. We sing whenever we are playing; when we walk to the park; when we are doing free play etc. Since we didn’t have enough empty toilet rolls, we decided to roll paper and then add a flame on top. All of us have our own candle to use at the winter holiday party, which we made ourselves.
FREE PLAY This is always an interesting time because we love playing with our friends, engaged in imaginative play or perhaps building together on the carpet. Eddie spent time making a tall tower that he said: “I think it may fall over”. He was aware that it was not stable and while he working on his Secret Art Project, we made sure that it was safe for his return. When he came back to work on it, he continued adding blocks which made it even more shaky and he said: “There’s lots of earthquakes, that happened already”; and the tower fell down. We liked the blocks with the transparent colourful side as we could look through them and see the world in other colours. Tidying up at the end of free play was a little tricky because we had three kinds of blocks that needed to go into three different containers. How were we going to know where they each had to go? Their shapes were quite different and the sizes too. It was easy!
SECRET ART PROJECT Our Secret Art Project is so exciting. You may be able to guess what the project is if you pay attention to the things that are in the pictures. Today we used a small card that has some things in red print on one side and we decorated it…………………...
SHOW AND TELL Ryoma: First you take the inside. Then you draw and choose the colour. Wash the egg. Put the egg in the paint. Put wax on it. Wash it again with a toothbrush and soap. Then when it’s no more wet, you put it in the paint. You need to take out the wax. You can put sparkles on. Then put the spray. There is a hole to take out the egg from inside. It is a goose egg.
Sota: What is a goose?
Ryoma: Like a duck.
William: How many eggs does your grandma have?
Ryoma: Maybe seven
Zen: Why did you paint it like that.
Ryoma: Because if you paint it, it’s more cool
Jamie: Why did you decorate it like that?
Ryoma: Because I like sprinkle.
Magnus: How did you wash it?
Ryoma: Gently with a toothbrush
Momo: Why did your grandma help you or by yourself?
Ryoma: My grandma helped me
Sota: Why does grandma have eggs?
Ryoma: I don’t know. She just buys it
Kai: Did you eat the inside afterwards?
Ryoma: No
Vieda: How long did it take you to finish your egg art?
Ryoma: Three days
Shelley: Where did the red paint go?
Ryoma: In the sink
Our special egg art gift is on display in our classroom. Thanks for a great Show and Tell Ryoma!
MY MUSCLES At one of our tables there were boards with nails on and rubber bands. We had a picture of our body and tried to make the rubber bands look like our muscles.
CHANNUKAH CANDLE LIGHTING Today we lit the Channukiah. We lit all eight candles and watched them as they disappeared. When you have birthday you blow the candles out but when it is Channukah, you don’t blow them out. You just watch them and this is what we did today. We watched them as they burned and disappeared.
Braxton: The hotness made them go down
Magnus: If you have hotness in the snow, it will be water
We had many interesting comments but mostly we just wanted to watch the flames flickering. We kept on counting when they went out………..and then there were none.
Shelley is wondering when she will be able to make potato latkes for Channukah but maybe there will not be enough time this week!
Thanks for a fun day, and start to our last official week of school in the year 2019.
See you tomorrow.
Love always, all the children in Flowers Class.