Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!  Did you know that we are in the last days of this month!?  This Tuesday, we went to visit the Fire Station and yesterday, we celebrated Thanksgiving with our friends, teachers and some of our mommies and daddies.  In few more weeks, we will be celebrating our Winter Holidays! 

My body makes music, it’s easy you will see.

My body makes music, it’s easy you will see.

My hands, my hand go…(clap, clap, clap)

My feet , my feet go…(stomp, stomp, stomp)

My voice, my voice go la, la, la

My body does the cha cha cha.

This is one song we practiced today which we will be performing at the up coming party and there are so many fun songs we love to do using our body.  In the past months, we have been learning a lot about our body and we know so much about how our body works outside and inside.   It is truly amazing to see a friend drawing a diagram of our ‘digestive system’ and explaining how it works.  For some friends their brains can absorb so much information all at once and for others, it may be more challenging to take it in so quickly.  That is why we love to sing and dance—by using our whole body and stimulating our senses, and repeatedly doing so, the neurons are wired together to reach faster to other nerve cells to send information and we make more sense of what we are learning! 

For circle time, we read another Japanese story about the dog, Ponte and we talked about our four seasons in Japanese.  “Aki” (R said) is Winter,  “Fuyu” (J) is Autumn, “Haru” (K) is Spring and “Natsu” (S) is Summer.  Each word was written in something called the ’hiragana’ as A explained are the “Japanese letters.”   We then sang the whole set of hiragana with the help of R.  Next we played a little game—we each saw our names written in hiragana on a piece of paper, when a letter was called out we had to see that letter was in our names.  To the teachers surprise, many friends were so observant and knew exactly which letter was in their names!

 Show and Tell, Show and Tell, Today is E’s Show and Tell!

Nanako: Who is this?

E: Ookami.

S: It’s wolf.

A: How (Why) do you like it?

E: Kawaii kara. (Because it’s cute.)

L: Do you have his clothes?

E: No.

J: How did you bring it to school?

E: Kaban.  Inside the bag.

M: What is his name?

E: Peko.  His name is Peko.

R: Why did you bring him?

E: Tomodachi.  Because Peko is my friend.

Kai: How old is Peko?

E: Yon sai no tanjyobi.  When I was four years old I got Peko.

E is FIVE years old and if he got Peko when he was FOUR, how old is Peko?  Hmm...Five take away four is…”NINE” some shouted.  We used our five fingers and took away four fingers, how many was left?  “ONE!”  We think that Peko is one year old and we could tell how much E cares for Peko from the way he said ’kawaii.’  Thank you E for sharing your special friend from home :)

 Morning Free Play Time

You will see how we enjoyed doing a ‘magic’ painting!  We traced over a paper printed with snowflake shapes.  When the teacher asked, “Do you know what tracing means?”  J explained so nicely, “you draw and copy it”  Some friends were patient enough to trace on a white piece of paper with a white pastel crayon while others said, “but you can’t see what you are drawing…”  Only when we brushed over the paper with water color paint did we realize how white snowflakes stood out beautifully in the blue sky! 

With the help of Kai, K and K worked on their body part.  Guess what they are drawing?  E and R finished painting their hair on their symmetric face art with Vieda.  

Thank you for another lovely day!

Love from the Flowers children xoxo


Ohana International School