Last Day Before Fall Break!
Last day of school before the Fall break, it was half day—busy and fun! We made decorations for the Halloween party using pointy black triangles and broomsticks—guess what we are making and you will see them at the party :) We also played an old Japanese game called Kagome Kagome.
Today was B‘s Show & Tell. Wearing a Jurassic Park t-shirt he showed us two things using a special machine; one was what he described the ’DNA’ or ‘bead’ (as M called) and the other one was “something I found in the garage with mommy.”
B: It’s from a movie Jurassic Park. It’s a mosquito. Put this one then look. I know what it does, there’s a light put it in front. Look through the glass, it looks great.
B, L and M each had turn to look at the mosquito closely inside the bead (which later we learned is called the sap). B explained “(the machine ) is called stethoscope and if you turn it (the dial on the side) this (lens) goes higher and I can see it easier.” (We think B maybe meant the microscope.) We passed around the other ‘something’ and found out that it was a real part of a tree trunk with hardened sap on it. We were still not quite sure why B called it the ‘DNA.’ B explained “mosquito drink dinosaur blood. Mosquito thought it was food it fly inside that’s why it was trap.” We think that maybe he wanted to explain how in Jurassic Park the scientists took the DNA from the blood inside the mosquito and recreated the dinosaurs. Thank you B for a wonderful Show & Tell!
Always love from the children in Flowers.