Ties, Ties, Ties for Sale
Dear Flower Class Moms and Dads,
We had some activities today we haven’t seen for a while; pastels and also watercolor painting. There were four watercolor sets on the table along with some nice white paper to work on. We could paint whatever we wanted and many of us chose to paint pictures of rainbows, flowers, princesses and castles. It was a little difficult at first to make sure the brush was nice and clean before putting it in with another color but we soon got used to it. We were very proud of our artwork and wanted to take them home today. We needed to make sure they were dry first and so we put them on the side until the afternoon. On the second table there were several of us who needed to make a special gift for our daddies for Father’s Day which is coming up soon in June. We used the markers and spot making paint markers to decorate our special ties for them. In the free play area we saw a good game on the small white table: Balance. The game has a plate suspended on the top where we needed to place colored pieces. We used adice with colors on it to select a colored piece and then had to place it on the top without the plate becoming unbalanced and falling over. If it did fall over the other player won. On the big Lego wall we made the word ‘Congratulations’ using the thin Lego pieces. We left it on the wall for next week’s graduation party celebration. We gain were excited to see the zoobtube toys and took many of the pieces into the play-tents and used them to join the two tents together like a big loop bicycle lock. Some of us then brought food from the play kitchen and had a picnic together with our friends. We needed to clear away the toys and art materials a little early today so that we could have the time to practice our special plays and songs for next week. Several of us are not in again until the party so today was our last chance for all of us to be together and practice together. After having our yummy snacks together we got started by doing our 2 performances one after the other. We have lots of props to prepare and put on each which took us a little time. We then sang our 3 special songs and moved outside to practice our entrance to the classroom with some special music playing. Finally we played a great game we all know and love; Freeze. We all did so well today even though the teachers were trying to make us laugh or move. We did so well that we ended up with 5 winners today! Congratulations!
All the teachers and Children in Flowers Class