Happy birthday, friends!
It’s another birthday celebration in Buds class today. We are growing up really fast and our parents are also very proud of what we’ve become in general. Before we started our day, we had some special activities on our tables. First, we had our shaving cream activity and then followed by a sensory activity tables with nature materials.
After finishing our morning jobs, we requested if we could try our shaving cream art and Chiaki was so kind to help us out with putting the paint and mixing them altogether. We couldn’t stop dipping our hands in the cream and just to feel the soft and fluffy texture of it. Our friends were so engaged that they wanted to spend a longer period of time just to mix the colors and applied them on our plastic cover sheet. It was messy but for sure we learned a lot from the experience especially in terms of our sensorimotor skills.
Our nature table was quite busy and got lots of options to choose from. There were little chopped pieces of wood, some barks from a tree, large and small rocks and the jelly Ziploc activity. We were so focused that we always showed our teachers what we could touch and feel. We learned about various types of texture as well like hard, soft, rough, smooth and mushy. It was amazing how we were able to catch these words quickly. It is true that we learn more by doing.
Our birthday celebrants' parents were here to celebrate their special day. One of our friends' sister was here too and she helped us a lot during the party. Thank you, Meg for coming to your little brother’s party. We gave the gifts like the card and the special medal to our birthday friends. We also sang our “Just Smile” with our friends and one mommy read a special book that she donated to our Buds library. We also played our favorite songs like “Let it Go” from Frozen and “Aaweee” from the movie Moana. We also had “I like to move it, move it” from Madagascar movie.
We are so thankful to celebrate this awesome birthday party with the both of you. The mini-cupcakes were so yummy that we were able to share some to other classes too. Thank you endlessly for the love and effort that you guys have showered and made us feel every day.
After the party, we went to the balcony and played with the sand box. We said hi to Maryna because she greeted us with a big and beautiful smile as well.
We also sang our happy birthday song to Chiaki because it’s her actual birthday today. Thank you for the love and care, Chiaki! You’re always looking after us and we always want to play with you!
Lots of love,
All the amazing children from Buds class 2016-2017