Akemashite omedetou!


         Akemashite omedetou! That’s what you say to someone when the new year comes. It means “Happy new year!” Even though it isn’t the new year yet, we did something to prepare for the new year. We made a special postcard which we stamped and added an origami dog to it. Why did we add a dog? We wondered. Later Hisami explained that in Japan we have twelve different animals that rotates each year. This year is the rooster and next year is the dog. We also found out that we have a lot of snakes in the class because most of us are four years old. We also have a couple of dragons and a rabbit. If we can count by twelve then we can figure out how old Hisami and Liezel are because they’re dragons and rabbits too.  Kai on the other hand is a boar and that’s a lot harder to figure out.

        Since we made a postcard we now need to send it. This means FIELD TRIP! We took a mini trip to the local post office so we can send off our new year cards. On the way we talked about what happens to the mail after we dropped it in the mailbox, who delivers the mail and why we need an address. It’s going to be so exciting when it arrives on the 1st of the year. I was also such a lovely day outside the teachers decided to have a picnic and play at Amishiro park. It’s a new experience for us to go to that park. We ran so much enjoying the different environment and playgrounds that most of us fell asleep right after lunch. What another fun filled day at Ohana.


Winter School Flowers Class Children


Ohana International School