Another fun day with ball play, water color painting and making glump
25 September – Daily Journal
The rain didn’t stop us from having lots of fun today. In the morning we put the road map on the carpet but didn’t put any cars or blocks to make houses on because we wanted to see if Buds would go straight to the car and truck box and think of other things to put on the mat as well. Surprisingly it wasn’t what most Buds wanted to do first this morning. They saw the green play dough on the table and wanted to
play with it first, making snakes, mountains and food such as ice cream and pancakes. Then some Buds decided it was time to get the cars and trucks out and spent quite a while driving their cars, trucks and the fire engine on the roads.
Because we didn’t go to the park we had a little extra time to do some beautiful drawings.
Everyone was interested in doing water color painting this morning. Buds are slowly learning that if you don’t swirl the paintbrush in the color 10 times, the paint will be very watery so really we should count to ten before painting to get some nice bright colors.
In circle time today we talked about our Mummies and Daddies. Sharee gave everyone a Mummy figurine and a Daddy figurine and we sang ‘Where is Mummy?’ We had to say Mumma, Dadday, Dadda and Papa to keep everyone happy! We had fun dancing to the ‘Chicken Dance’. Buds may have been wondering what Sharee was doing at the start but soon they were all flapping their arms, and making chicken noises.
We played some games with balls today. First we listened to the beat and dong, dong donged the balls onto the floor fast and slow. Once we could do that we got into pairs and donged the balls together. We played a run and collect balls game too with balls flying everywhere as the teachers threw them once Buds had put them in the basket. We also enjoyed jumping, hopping, skipping and running to the music. When the music stopped we changed actions.
Sayaka read a funny animal book today and Buds looked so serious as they listened to the story.
After story time we had a fun sensory activities to do; making shapes, patterns and some letters in shaving cream or mixing cornflour and water to make glump. Buds dived into the shaving cream but were not so sure about the cornflour and water mix until they squished it about and then they didn’t mind their hands getting sticky.
Thank you
Sharee, Sayaka and Goh