It was a dancing, water play and making playdough kind of day

28 August Daily Journal

??????????We only had three Buds today at school today so we got to do a lot of activities that we wanted to do! We can’t wait for the rest of our friends to come back from their holidays.

Haruto loved the fishing puzzles this morning and went back twice to do them. He also enjoyed making a big tower?????????? with over 30 blocks. Dominic enjoyed ready some books with Sayaka and then playing with the fire truck and other truck lego. Jonah was also into making towers this morning and at first he had trouble pushing the blocks hard enough to stay together but he soon got the ??????????hang of it. The figurine people were were popular too and Jonah’s favorite was the police officer.

In circle time some Buds said their name when we did our bumble bee name song and some Buds could recognize their name from a group of names and put it on the yellow board. Because Yellow is our color of the month, you will see lots of yellow during activities. Yesterday none of our Buds had any yellow on their clothes but?????????? today when we checked we all had some yellow. We danced to some more action songs incuding ‘Hot Potato’ and ????????????????????‘Shake Your Sillies Out’. The children wanted to use the musical instruments so we had a turn with those too.

We were so happy to use our new placemats today. We are so proud of the good job we did placing the utensils, food and lunch box on the paper and drawing some food as well.

 To exercise our muscles we put a couple of cushions in the center of the room, pushed the furniture back and did a fun game to music. When the music was playing, Buds ran, jumped, hopped, took giant elephant steps and glided to the music. They like running and jumping the most. ??????????

Another rainy day! We are looking forward to when we can go to the park again. In the meantime, we had so much fun with our water table and then making play dough. At first when we were pouring water we held the cup any which ??????????way but we learnt to use two hands to pour because that gives us more control and we don’t pour it too fast.

??????????When we made play dough Buds were great at waiting their turn and everyone concentrated so hard, trying not to spill anything. We all had a turn to pour flour, salt and water in and then use a spoon to add the tartar cream and oil. We decided to make yellow play dough and we all touched it to make sure it was a good texture and we could feel that it was still hot warm so we had to wait for it to cool down.

Have a lovely afternoon

Sharee, Sayaka and Goh
