Early birthday wishes to our teachers
Continuing “Kings of Construction” which is the theme this week, we had an interesting selection of activities and materials to use today. At one table we had papier mache masks which we painted and then sprinkled sparkles onto as well as some glitter. We used red, green, blue, silver and gold paint on them. Some of us did not want to paint masks today and our teachers feel that it is okay if some of us choose to do some activities and not others. When we had finished painting, some of us wanted to go outside onto the balcony and play with the water play so we left our aprons/smocks on. However, when we play on the balcony, the best way, our teachers discovered is for us to play in just our underwear or our diapers. So we had to take off clothes and then we could go outside with our smocks/aprons on. It was such fun playing with the water since it had bubbles in it. The bubbles keep the water clean and they are fun to play with. We will play with the water tomorrow again, if the weather stays dry.
The second activity we had to do today was with coloured paddle pop sticks and coloured matchsticks. Darren has been in charge of the theme for this week, and he is brilliant at design so he prepared some really interesting things for us. He made the shape of Tokyo Tower on a piece of paper and we each received a photocopy of it. We then chose a selection of colours that we liked and glued them onto the page on top of the shape. We were so
happy to see that we had made a tower that looked very similar to Tokyo Tower. Some of us even managed to make a shape similar to Tokyo Tower without using the photocopied picture.
We spent some time playing on the carpet during free play time, using wooden blocks and Lego that has quite a lot of Bob the Builder pieces; as well as two Bob the Builder characters. We enjoy building things in various shapes and forms and are spending more time playing with the Lego now, since Maryna brought her son Toshiki’s Bob the Builder set, for us to use at school.
There was something more to come today. It was a teachers birthday party celebration. Usually we have a children’s one but today it was the teachers’s turn. And, we would like to share this interesting fact with everyone who is reading this journal. We had no extra snack to eat, and it didn’t take anything away from the fun experience. The teachers who were celebrating their birthdays today were Sharee, Liezel and Goh. Liezel and Sharee are both in July while Goh is on Thursday. Ava presented Liezel with her crown and led her to sit at the birthday table; Tokutaro put the crown on Sharee’s head and Giorgia put the crown on Goh’s head. We all stood up and sang, ‘When you’re happy and you know it’. We selected a few actions for this son e. g. clap your hands, jump, shout happy birthday, whisper happy birthday, nod your head etc. We clapped 10 claps and counted in Japanese, English, Spanish and Chinese. Then we lit the candles and all together, Liezel, Goh and Sharee blew them out.
Michaela read a book called “A special birthday cake” to them and we gave them beautiful cards that we had made. Happy birthday to you!
Love always Shelley, Hisami, Liezel, and Goh.