Kings of Construction day one
We were “Kings of Construction” today, using imaginary saws, hammers, nails, bricks, cement etc. Our activity tables were filled with lots of interesting things and we set to work as soon as we arrived at school. On one of the tables, there were two troughs and two trays. Inside the troughs was a lot of sand and some plastic cups. We spent time filling up the cups and emptying them as well as making sand castles. We learnt how to fill the cups to the top, pat the top flat and quickly flip them over onto the trays. We patted them gently on the top and then lifted the cups carefully and hey………we made sandcastles.
At the large table, we had a selection of junk art materials which we used to create many different things. Some of the things that we made are not identifiable as anything specific, we just enjoyed taping the different things together and making something. We used yoghurt cups, egg cartons, lids, coloured tape and plastic containers. Our teachers helped us a lot as we needed to join the small parts to the big parts etc. We had to make sure that as “Kings of Construction”, we built creations that would last and stay attached to one another.
On the carpet, we had a selection of wooden blocks which we used to build structures. We tried to balance them on top of one another; we built a castle and we built towers. When we we sat in one of our circle times, we started singing, “This is the way we hammer the nails”. Liezel is our teacher downstairs this week so she is in charge of organising everything. It was also nice to have Sharee with us as she can give us new ideas and she sees our classroom and how it functions, with a new eye. Liezel also introduced other tools into the song. We sang “This is the way we saw the wood” and we pretended to be cutting wood with a real saw. In our second circle time with Shelley, we sang “Let all the builders hold hands in a circle” as we are all builders this week. In fact, Sharee read a story about “Bob the Builder” to some of us in the library.
We each took a wooden block from a box and we sang a song using the block and balancing it on our bodies. We balanced it on our heads, we balanced it on our shoulders, on the inside of our arms, on the palms on of our hands, on the back of our hands, inbetween our chin and our neck, between our ear and our shoulder etc. We laughed when we sang this song as it was quite tricky to do some of the actions. Then we decided to build a tower. Each of us had to be really careful when we placed our block on the tower, so that it didn’t over balance. It was as if we were doing Team Building with our teachers and classmates. It was such fun and then Shelley
unfortunately knocked the tower over but………….Hisami built it up again. Phew!
In the park, we continued being builders and made a big mountain of sand and we also filled buckets and containers up with water in order to make sand that was hard and cementlike. We worked together with our friends and teachers here as well. We were thrilled to welcome Giorgia to our class. She had a fantastic day with us and we are all trying to make her feel welcome and happy. We were amazed when she was swinging outside. She didn’t need anyone to push her and she went so high, smiling as she felt the cool air blowing on her face. We will see Giorgia and many of our friends tomorrow as we head into day two of “Kings of Construction”.
Love always Shelley, Hisami, Nanako, Sharee, Liezel, Ayaka and Goh.