We've come to the end of another year

This is our very last journal of the regular school year 2013-2014. It ended with a wonderful gathering of our mums, dads and helpers who came to watch us sing some songs and show case some of our favourite things from this year.

It was, as it can be sometimes, a bit too overwhelming for some of us. We are not used to our family members being in our classroom and there were so many cameras and …………………..we were however glad that we had so much support ???????????????????????????????from our loved ones today, and throughout the year and we are so proud of what we achieved as a group and individually. Our teachers taught us how to love one another, care for one another, be kind to one another and respect one another. These things are so much more important in life, than anything else. Being a good person in our lives is what they all believe ???????????????????????????????in……and we learnt this from them.

We also learnt about numbers, sounds and we sang songs throughout the day; when we packed away our toys, when we sat on the cushions for library time, when we stood on the feet stickers to wait our turn to go and wash our hands and before we ate our snack and lunch. Singing was a natural part of our day and through so many things being in song, we learnt so much. We also learnt how to take care of books, how to share our toys sometimes and we also learnt that it is okay to say “No” to others. Together with saying “No” we learnt how to assert ourselves if one ???????????????????????????????of our friends was doing something that we didn’t like, which is always important in life. We do not need to let people do things to us that we don’t like and then on the other hand, sometimes we will have to do things that we do not like. We want to thank our teachers for loving us and making us feel safe each day. Every day, they were at school, waiting for us with their arms open wide to greet us and help us; and with hugest hearts filled with love and caring. Thanks to all of our families for the fabulous treats for snack time. We look forward to Summer School next week, seeing our old friends and teachers one more time, before the Summer holidays.

Love always Shelley, Hisami, Liezel, Nanako, Ayaka and Goh.???????????????????????????????

You can see from these photos that we started off our day, decorating coloured paper, which became the table cloth for our snack party. And then you can also see, the abundance of food that our family’s made for our snack party…..it was sooooo delicious!

???????????????????????????????Thank you, arigatou, merci, todah rabah, danke bitte, sheshe ni…..

Love all of the children at Ohana International School.

