The final countdown
It is the second day of June and the weather suddenly became so hot and summery. We were so glad to be inside our classrooms after playing in the park. Even though we played under the trees in the shade, it was still a hot day. Our teachers decided to go to the park early since it was so hot and we had a snack picnic in the shade under the trees which was really lovely.
When we arrived at school we had a few activities to do which kept us busy until we went to the park. Outside four children could play with water and sea creatures on the balcony. The holes in the metal flooring do not bother us as we just focus on our play. Nanako took care of us at this activity and she helped us take some of our clothing off so that we could stay dry and keep cool at the same time. Our teachers actually noticed in many of our school bags, that we have clothes that are too warm. When we come back to school for the start of the new school year,
we will need summery things to change into since the weather will probably be even hotter…!
At another activity table, we did bead threading and this activity showed our teachers not only, whether we are able to thread beads but also whether we can stay focused on a task. Pauline made herself a fabulous ankle bracelet while William made a necklace for his mum and Vincent too. We will do more threading tomorrow so that our friends who attend tomorrow, can also have a chance to do this activity. Hisami was in charge of this activity. At the third activity we had “flubber” which is a very light weight sensory, play dough type material. We loved breaking it into tiny balls and cutting it with the plastic knives.
The fourth activity was all ready to be done, but………………we didn’t do it because we were so busy. We will do it tomorrow so we won’t tell you what it is. It is another sensory experience which we have done before and looooooove it!
We had a sing song during the latter part of our day at school with all of us sitting on the circular shaped cushions together. We sang “On Monday” which is a song that Hisami translated from Japanese, about the “Very Hungry Caterpillar”; we also sang “There are seven days in a week”; “Butterfly” and when we sang the butterfly song we all had a beautiful butterfly flapping on our pointer finger. We sang a new butterfly with words that told us where to place the butterfly e. g. on our heads, on our noses, on our shoulders, on our toes, on our ears on our tummies and on our eyes etc. A butterfly is a really gentle creature so we placed it down gently.
We are focusing on learning new things as we come to the end of our school year this week and are also reviewing many things that we learnt at the beginning of the year. We are counting our friends each day; remembering the days of the week; listening to beginning sounds so that we can guess our friends names etc. We are looking forward to our party on Friday with our families and can’t believe that so much time has gone by, with us having had so much fun while we learnt with our teachers and friends at school, each day.
Stay cool on this warm day and see you tomorrow for another fun day at Ohana.
Love always Shelley, Hisami, Liezel, Nanako, Ayaka and Goh.