A new week and the year end is almost here
Our school has a beautiful Clavinova that they are offering to anyone who can pick it up in the second week of June. It is for free! We are getting a real piano in its place that is being donated to Ohana by a friend of Shelley’s. In fact, the Clavinova was also donated by a friend of hers but we cannot keep both. Please let our teachers know if you or you know someone who would like to have it.
You can see this amazing circle shaped light panel that we have in our classroom. It came back yesterday from Australia with Shelley. It lies on a table and you can put different things on it which the light can shine through. The light doesn’t shine through everything however today most of the things on the table were transparent so you could see through them.
There were many different colours and we had flower and heart shapes with red, green and yellow cellophane on the back of them. We could look though the cellophane and see the world in a different way.
At the other activity table, we started to make our gifts for our parents that will definitely remind us of our time in our class, with our teachers and friends from this year. We can’t really tell you what we are making as it would give everything away but we can give you a clue. The clue is that it is something that we have loved reading, enacting, singing about and looking at, this year. Can you guess what it is?
We had to add things to three round wooden circles that our teachers attached together for us. We added eyes, legs and a mouth and in the next few days we will add antennae and a magnet at the back. Now, maybe you can guess?
During the morning we listened to the story of the “Very Hungry Caterpillar” and we sang the “Caterpillar song” and we also sang the “Cabbage song”. We have been preparing in an informal way for our End of Year party with no stress whatsoever. Our teachers know that when our parents are in our classroom, we are different and they are happy to include them in our little sing song.
We listened to a story called “I love you mummy”. It is a beautiful story about a baby bear and a mummy bear. The baby bear wants to try to do things without listening to his mums guidance and he falls into the river and he doesn’t know how to swim and he falls out of a tree and hurts himself. All the time his mum offers her guidance, but he is not interested in listening. After his second mishap, he decided that maybe his “mum knows best” and he listens to her. He falls
asleep in her arms in the middle of saying “I love you mu…….” We could relate to the baby bear as we often just want to be allowed to do things our way and not listen to our teachers or parents who have our best interests at heart.
In one of our circle times, we learnt two new poems; “Round and round the garden” and “This little piggy went to market”. These are fun poems that are played with our hands or feet. We counted our fingers carefully and counted five fingers on one hand and then when counted both hands together, we counted ten fingers. Our other new finger play was about five little clowns. We are looking forward to having some more friends in our class tomorrow and had a great start to the second last week of 2014 at Ohana International School.