We're singing in the rain

Today was a really strange day weather wise. It started off all sunny and bright and during the morning the sky changed from blue to white to grey and black. We went to the park when it was white and grey and black and while we were in the park, we felt droplets of water on our heads; so we had to leave the park and return to school. It was fun walking back with light drops of rain dripping on our heads. We spoke about the rain and sang songs while we were walking back to school. Then when we arrived at school, we thought that the rain was going to stop, but it poured and made so much ??????????????????????noise. In fact we heard a boom boom sound in the sky too. So, it was an eventful morning in the park and then during the morning, we had so many things to do.

Hisami sat with us as we continued to make sea creatures that are similar to the ones inside our ??????????????????????water trough. We played with the water trough again today but this time it was on the balcony. It was lovely to play outside without the rain (which we didn’t know, was going to come later) and our teachers are all amazed that we are not scared to walk on the balcony with the metal floor that is like a grid. Two of our sea creatures fell through the spaces onto the bottom floor while we were playing. So back to our sea creatures activity. Today some of us made jelly fish using the shredded paper and plastic bags with ribbons for their tentacles and scraps of paper for their eyes etc. We now have fish and jelly fish hanging in our classroom.

William completed drawing his self portrait and we tried to do the difficult puzzles once again, that our teachers placed on the table. Afterwards, we sat down and sang the cabbage song in Japanese and then we sang the song about the ??????????????????????caterpillar eating different fruit on each day of the week until it was Sunday, when he ate many other foods. We kept the “Very Hungry Caterpillar”

signs which Lucinda’s mum used for her birthday party. These are some of the props that we will use when we have our party for our families on Thursday 5th June. We sat on the cushions sharing with one other friend and sang and action song and then we said “good morning” to our friends in many different languages. We sang in German, French, Tagalog, English, Japanese, Korean, English and Hebrew. At the very end of the song, we whispered “good ??????????????????????morning” to everyone.

Our social skills are developing each and every day and we love playing with the dolls who are our babies. We hold them gently, sing to them, wrap them in blankets to keep them warm, play with them and feed them. Sometimes we feed them unhealthy food. We have learnt all about the different foods that are good for our brains, muscles, bones and lungs through our KIDFIT classes.

???????????????????????????????We played in the MPR when we came back from the park and enjoyed playing on the equipment, especially since we had only spent about 10 minutes in the park, when the rain came down. We shredded some paper so that we could use it for our jelly fish today.

Love always Shelley, Hisami, Liezel, Nanako, Ayaka and Goh.???????????????????????????????
